I'm trying to "nest" (not sure if that's the right word) some tables. I don't want a table in each cell, rather the ability to organize the table with appropriate headings. I'm told by my engineers that I can't simply style a table to "look" nested, rather it would be better if each header wrapped the children rows and cells.

Here's a screen shot of what it should look like:

enter image description here

Here is my HTML:

<section class="container">
    <table class="zebra">
                <th>Avg. Charge</th>
                <th>As %</th>
        <tbody class="level1">
                <td colspan="6">
                    <i class="doctor"></i>John Dorian
            <tbody class="level2">
                    <td colspan="6">
                        <i class="address"></i>Southern Hills Hospital
                <tbody class="level3">
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
        <tbody class="level1">
                <td colspan="6">
                    <i class="doctor"></i>John Dorian
            <tbody class="level2">
                    <td colspan="6">
                        <i class="address"></i>Southern Hills Hospital
                <tbody class="level3">
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
            <tbody class="level2">
                    <td colspan="6">
                        <i class="address"></i>Southern Hills Hospital
                <tbody class="level3">
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
            <tbody class="level2">
                    <td colspan="6">
                        <i class="address"></i>Southern Hills Hospital
                <tbody class="level3">
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>
                        <td>Chest XRay</td>

So you can see I'm nesting tbody within other tbodys. This renders in Chrome fine. In fact it's how I want it to look.


When I inspect element, I see that Chrome (and Safari and Firefox) basically say "nuh uh" and break the nested tbodys out. See here:

Any ideas how to accomplish what I'm trying to get here?

enter image description here



I think you're over complicating the solution. Given the screenshot you provided, no nesting is really required. Your engineers are wrong, you can style a table to look nested.

  1. Remove the nested tbodys, and use tr with a class associated to it's level.
  2. Style each level according to it's depth. I target the first td in each td to apply a padding-left value to make it look nested.

Here is the Jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/msV2U/


body { font-family: arial; }

table { width: 100%; }

thead th { background-color: #f6f6f6; padding: 5px; }
table td { border: 1px solid #DDD; padding: 5px; }

tr.level1 td { font-weight: bold ;}
tr.level2 td:first-child,
tr.level3 td:first-child { padding-left: 25px; }

And the HTML:

<table class="zebra">
            <th>Avg. Charge</th>
            <th>As %</th>
        <tr class="level1">
            <td colspan="6">
                <i class="doctor"></i>John Dorian
        <tr class="level2">
            <td colspan="6">
                <i class="address"></i>Southern Hills Hospital
        <tr class="level3">
            <td>Chest XRay</td>
        <tr class="level3">
            <td>Chest XRay</td>
        <tr class="level3">
            <td>Chest XRay</td>
        <tr class="level1">
            <td colspan="6">
                <i class="doctor"></i>John Dorian
        <tr class="level2">
            <td colspan="6">
                <i class="address"></i>Southern Hills Hospital
        <tr class="level3">
            <td>Chest XRay</td>
        <tr class="level3">
            <td>Chest XRay</td>
        <tr class="level3">
            <td>Chest XRay</td>
        <tr class="level1">
            <td colspan="6">
                <i class="doctor"></i>John Dorian
        <tr class="level2">
            <td colspan="6">
                <i class="address"></i>Southern Hills Hospital
        <tr class="level3">
            <td>Chest XRay</td>
        <tr class="level3">
            <td>Chest XRay</td>
        <tr class="level3">
            <td>Chest XRay</td>

New info came to light and this question no longer applies. Thanks.

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