I have this in my javascript file

$("#searchPlaces" ).autocomplete({
    source:function( request, response ) {
        $.ajaxCall('mymodule.getcities', 'startsWith='+request.term);
    autoFocus: true

And this is in my ajax php file.

public function getcities(){
    $cities = array("1" ,"2", "3", "4");

It returns the array as json just fine, but nothing shows up in the autocomplete field.

Would anyone know how to accomplish this task in phpfox using the ajaxCall function?



解决方案 2

The default phpfox $.ajaxCall actually returns a jQuery jqXHR object.

So, instead of rebuilding the entire ajax call manually, one could still use phpfox's $.ajaxCall and set the autocomplete response inside the .done() promise callback:

$("#searchPlaces" ).autocomplete({
    source:function( request, response ) {
        $.ajaxCall('mymodule.getcities', 'startsWith='+request.term)
            .done(function( data ) {
                response( $.parseJSON(data) );
    autoFocus: true

Note that the $.ajaxCall ajax request uses 'script' as dataType, so you need to do your own parsing of the returned string, in this case it's a json string and $.parseJSON() will do the trick.


So I was able to get around the issue. The issue is autocomplete needing the response specified. ajaxCall doesn't have a real callback on success, so there is no way to set the response with the data that gets returned. I decided to go a round about way and set everything manually. This is what I came up with.


$this->template()->assign(array('token' => Phpfox::getService('log.session')->getToken());


<input id="security_token" type="hidden" name="phpfox[security_token]" value="{$token}" />


  $("#searchPlaces" ).autocomplete({
      source:function( request, response ) {
            url: "/static/ajax.php",
            minLength: 1,
            dataType: "json",
            data: {
                startsWith: request.term,
                'core[security_token]': $("#security_token").val(),
                'core[ajax]': true,
                'core[call]': 'mymodule.myfunction'
            success: function( data ) {
                response( data );
            autoFocus: true


public function myfunction(){
        $yourdata = array("1" ,"2", "3", "4");
        $this->call(json_encode($yourdata ));

Basically the security token is set via a hidden element. The url will always be url: "/static/ajax.php", as this will take care of calling the ajax file for you. 'core[call]': 'mymodule.myfunction' this is set to how you would use $.ajaxCall('mymodule.myfunction'). All you need to do is find the autocomplete items you want to return as normal now.

Hopefully this helps in case someone else gets in the same situation.

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