I have tried to install my apk using adb like this:

D:\C_Desktop\Development\Android SDK\platform-tools>adb install "C:\test_haxe\bin\android\bin\bin\testhaxe-debug.apk"
4274 KB/s (3702929 bytes in 0.846s)
        pkg: /data/local/tmp/testhaxe-debug.apk

so, its installed fine, but at my phone, I couldn't find the apk file, is it deleted after being installed?!

also, I tried to uninstall it like this:

adb uninstall com.ketab.haxe

but I get


Because I have no emulator, I will have to install the app each time to see the progress, so I will need to uninstall it and then install the new app on my phone, is this the right way to go any way?



to find out the apk file location after installation use pm path <package> command:

adb shell pm path com.ketab.haxe

you could try uninstalling the package with:

adb shell pm uninstall com.ketab.haxe

in case of failure check the error message with:

adb logcat -d -s PackageManager:*


Linux/mac users can also create a script to uninstall ("delete") an apk with something like the following. Create a file named adb-uninstall with these 3 lines:

pkg=$(aapt dump badging $1|awk -F" " '/package/ {print $2}'|awk -F"'" '/name=/ {print $2}')
adb uninstall $pkg

Then chmod +x adb-uninstall to make it executable.

now you can simply:

adb-uninstall myapp.apk

The benefit here is that you don't need to know the package name. Similarly, you can create adb-run myapp.apk.

Note: This requires that you have aapt in your path. You can find it under the new build tools folder in the SDK.

[with solution] I couln't find the apk file on my android device after installing successfuly from the command line my app apk (adb install ~/Downloads/myapp.apk) . After searching my phone's File Manager, I found out the app was downloaded as an APP and not as an apk file, as I had expected. So if anyone else was looking for the apk file - it's an application and not a file you can see

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