I am having a problem where either moq or Ploeh.AutoFixture.AutoMoq is mocking all the children interfaces when in one case I want one of them to be null.

I am using Npoc and it has an Interface called IDatabase

 public interface IDatabase : IDatabaseQuery
        IDbConnection Connection { get; }
        IDbTransaction Transaction { get; }

        void AbortTransaction();
        void BeginTransaction();
        void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel? isolationLevel);
        void CompleteTransaction();
        IDataParameter CreateParameter();
        int Delete(object poco);
        int Delete<T>(object pocoOrPrimaryKey);
        int Delete<T>(Sql sql);
        int Delete<T>(string sql, params object[] args);
        int Delete(string tableName, string primaryKeyName, object poco);
        int Delete(string tableName, string primaryKeyName, object poco, object primaryKeyValue);
        void Dispose();
        Transaction GetTransaction();
        Transaction GetTransaction(IsolationLevel? isolationLevel);
        object Insert(object poco);
        object Insert(string tableName, string primaryKeyName, object poco);
        object Insert(string tableName, string primaryKeyName, bool autoIncrement, object poco);
        void Save(object poco);
        void Save(string tableName, string primaryKeyName, object poco);
        IDatabase SetTransaction(IDbTransaction tran);
        int Update(object poco);
        int Update<T>(Sql sql);
        int Update(object poco, IEnumerable<string> columns);
        int Update(object poco, object primaryKeyValue);
        int Update<T>(string sql, params object[] args);
        int Update(object poco, object primaryKeyValue, IEnumerable<string> columns);
        int Update(string tableName, string primaryKeyName, object poco);
        int Update(string tableName, string primaryKeyName, object poco, IEnumerable<string> columns);
        int Update(string tableName, string primaryKeyName, object poco, object primaryKeyValue);
        int Update(string tableName, string primaryKeyName, object poco, object primaryKeyValue, IEnumerable<string> columns);

I don't want IDbTransaction Transaction { get; } to be mocked as I want it to be null but it is getting mocked.

I then also have a IUnitOfWork that has the IDatabase interface in it.

  public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable 
        void Commit();
        IDatabase Db { get; }
        void SetOneTimeCommandTimeout(int timeout);
        void SetGlobalCommandTimeout(int timeout);
        void BeginTransaction();


// code

 fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
 var test = fixture.CreateAnonymous<MyService>();

Since Transaction is a readonly property I don't know how to set it back to null.




  fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
  var mock = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IDatabase>>();
  mock.SetupGet(o => o.Transaction).Returns((IDbTransaction)null);
  var test = fixture.CreateAnonymous<MyService>();
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