My requirement is to display the Table view as cover flow.I found the Imageview as cover flow using following link.

But when I downloded and edit the code of UIImageView with UIView in the downloded app,It is working good.But when I create the new application and trying to set the same functionality it does not displayed any thing.

Please tell me How to integrate the iCarousel/Fading Demo project to my own app.

In this link How could i use iCarousel in my project?

they are saying "iCarousel.m class calls that function from its dataSource class. set delegate and datasource of iCarousel object. At sample application, dataSource and delegate is set by interface builder." How can I do it.

When I debugging it

  - (UIView *)carousel:(iCarousel *)carousel viewForItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index reusingView:(UIView *)view


this method is not executed.

Thanks in advance.



Did you copy the xibs or make new ones? If you made new ones maybe you forgot to wire up the dataSource and delegate of the iCarousel views in the XIB to your view controller's properties..?

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