why second var_dump() display null in this code in my layout.phtml :



output :

    string '<ul class="navigation">
        <a href="/en/admin">DashBoard</a>
        <a href="/en/admin/members">Members Management</a>
    <li class="active">
        <a href="/en/admin/events">Events</a>
                <a href="/en/admin/events/categories">Categories</a>
            <li class="active">
                <a href="/en/admin/events">Show All</a>
            <li class="active">
                <a href='... (length=802)

string '' (length=0)


actually changing var_dump order ... OMG ... again the second one is NULL !! :-O Output :

string '<a href="/en/admin/events">Events</a> &gt; Show All' (length=51)

string '' (length=0)


There was a bug in zf2 ver <= 2.1.3 about this and its closed but not yet merged into production package and will be fixed in next minor release https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/issues/3976 Simple solution : https://github.com/froschdesign/zf2/commit/454439d35716ed2125a6ac90c826836f57391eb0


the contents on breadcrumbs will depends where the output is executed.

for example, if you are inside a controller and action which has been assigned to one of your navigation items, then it should be picked up.

I suspect you haven't setup navigation pages for the controller/action pairing where you are performing the var_dump.

Example nav config:

'navigation' => array(
     'default' => array(
             'label' => 'Page One',
             'route' => 'myroute',
             'controller' => 'categories',
             'action' => 'list',

If you perform your output in the listAction method of your Categories controller then the breadcrumb helper should return something for you

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