I have a custom proxy model that occasionally overhauls itself when a new column/row is added to its source model. From the docs it appears that calling QAbstractItemModel::beginResetModel() and QAbstractItemModel::endResetModel() at the beginning and end of such an operation is the proper methodology. My overhaul function, unfortunately, has several possible exit points and I just know that I'll forget to call endResetModel at every exit point as it gets more complex.

Therefore, I'd like to create a simple RAII class that will call beginResetModel upon construction and then call endResetModel upon destruction, like follows:

class ModelResetter
    ModelResetter(QAbstractItemModel* model) : m_model(model)

    QAbstractItemModel* m_model;

The problem is that beginResetModel() and endResetModel() are both protected in QAbstractItemModel. Declaring ModelResetter as a friend class in my inherited model doesn't appear to help, since I'm trying to interact with the base class.

I'd rather not do a custom implementation for every model I implement, so can I do this with templates? I'm not very familiar with template syntax yet.

Edit 1: (I removed the sample template code in Edit 2 to avoid confusion)

It'd be nice if I could somehow restrict the template to only allow types that inherit QAbstractItemModel, but I don't see anything in standard C++ that allows that. I will not use Boost.

Edit 2: I guess I wasn't really clear about my requirements. Here they are:

  • Operates on the base class for the general case
  • Enforces the QAbstractItemModel inheritance requirement while in debug mode without penalty in release mode
  • Simple usage with almost no overhead
  • Requires no modification of the base class or new functions

解决方案 2

I hate to answer my own question, but after a couple days I put together a template-based solution that fulfills all of my requirements. Yay for my first from-scratch template class. Here's the implementation:

#include <QAbstractItemModel>

/* you must declare this class as a friend to your model
 * to give it access to protected members as follows:
 * template <class Model> friend class ModelResetter;
template<class Model>
class ModelResetter
    ModelResetter(Model* model) : m_model(model)
        Q_ASSERT_X(qobject_cast<QAbstractItemModel*>(model) != 0, __FUNCTION__,
                   "templated object does not inherit QAbstractItemModel");

    Model* m_model;

and usage:

bool MyModel::overhaul()
    ModelResetter<MyModel> resetter(this); resetter;  //prevent compiler warning

    //do stuff
        return false; //model will finish reset at every exit point

    //do more stuff
    return true; //model also completes reset on success

Thanks for your help!


you could have your inherited model expose methods that would just call beginResetModel() and endResetModel() respectively, then have ModelResetter call those methods.

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