I'm trying to make a simple call to a popup jquery plugin (bpopup).

;(function($) {
            modalClose: false,
            opacity: 0.6,
            positionStyle: 'fixed'

There is a div with the id 'popup' which should appear, however nothing is happening (no popup is even being blocked) when the window loads.

Any advice greatly appreciated, thank you.

EDIT: The page in question is very light - text only, the popup only contains text.



You have a syntax error in your code. Remove one of the extra });.

;(function($) {
            modalClose: false,
            opacity: 0.6,
            positionStyle: 'fixed'


Try this , changed to use $(document).ready

  ;(function($) {
            modalClose: false,
            opacity: 0.6,
            positionStyle: 'fixed'

window onload will wait for all the assets to be loaded so it is possible that you are loading something that takes long time

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