I am trying to set up Discourse following the Vagrant instructions on Github. I'm on a Windows machine, so I downloaded the VM and started it, then I used putty to ssh in and try to start setting up Discourse. When I type bundle install I get a message that says Bundler::GemfileNotFound. Where do I go from here?



Vagrant mounts the Discourse sources to /vagrant. When you run vagrant ssh (or use Putty to ssh into the VM) you'll be in the home directory of the vagrant user (where the postinstall.sh file is). So just type cd /vagrant and you can continue. I'm not sure whether they just omitted this in their readme or if you normally would end up in /vagrant and something went wrong. I tested it and also endet up in /home/vagrant, like you.

Note: the @precise32 is the hostname of the VM, not the directory (~).

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