I'm looking at building a REST API in Symfony2, and in their Custom Authentication Provider they show how to build a WSSE authentication system, which should be fine for what I need to do. I'm going to start off by building and testing the API through cURL, so I need to be able to quickly generate the headers. I found a JS generator that showed the headers I would need.

From what I read, the Password Digest should be a base64 encoded SHA1 of the nonce, timestamp, and user password concatenated together in that order. I started with the following data:

$nonce = '4c5625ec7af5bdff';
$timestamp = '2013-04-03T04:46:19Z';
$password = 'mypass';

and generated the digest:

$digest = base64_encode(sha1($nonce.$timestamp.$password));

What I don't understand is that the $digest variable is now set to YTgxMDUzOWQzMDBiZmU1MmI2NWQ0YjYwNDc3ZmY5OWI3MmVlZTQyNA==, but the sample PasswordDigest from the JS generator comes up as qBBTnTAL/lK2XUtgR3/5m3Lu5CQ=. I must be missing a step somewhere, but I'm not sure what it is.



Looks like I need to use the binary SHA1 result, not the hex representation. My digest should look like this:

$digest = base64_encode(sha1($nonce.$timestamp.$password, true));


I know it's an old post, just tumbled on this post, recently I have developed API in symfony2 with WSSE authentication and this is how I generated full WSSE header with the help of below function:

public static function getWsseHeader($username, $apikey, $created, $nonce)

        $digest = sha1($nonce.$created.$apikey, true);

        return sprintf(
            'X-WSSE: UsernameToken Username="%s", PasswordDigest="%s", Nonce="%s", Created="%s"',
//you can use this php code to generate the Digest password
$t = microtime(true);
$micro = sprintf("%03d",($t - floor($t)) * 1000);
$date = new DateTime( date('Y-m-d H:i:s.'.$micro) );
echo $timestamp = $date->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s").$micro . 'Z';
$nonce = mt_rand(10000000, 99999999);
echo $nounce = base64_encode($nonce);//we have to decode the nonce and then apply the formula on it and in xml we have to send the encoded nonce
$password = "AMADEUS"; //clear password
echo $passSHA = base64_encode(sha1($nonce . $timestamp . sha1($password, true), true));   
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