I'm using ffmpeg to create a MOV file from a series of images. When I view the movie in Quicktime 7.7.x, it looks great (left image). When I view in Quicktime 7.6.6 I get this weird issue (on the right):

In Quicktime 7.7.x http://jimlindstrom.com/stills-good.png In Quicktime 7.6.6 http://jimlindstrom.com/stills-bad.png

Any idea even what this is, much less how to fix it?


My source images are a mix of PNGs and JPGs that I pre-process with ImageMagick (to draw text, captions, etc). I store intermediate results as MPCs, and final frames as PNMs.

To draw the above frame, I'm doing this:

convert -background none -fill white -font my_font.ttf -pointsize 132 -gravity \
        center -size 945x550 caption:"Stills Demo" background-template.png     \
        +swap -composite -resize 1920x1080! /tmp/title_screen4338355.png
convert -auto-orient /tmp/title_screen4338355.png -resize 100% -type TrueColor \
convert /tmp/1b2764754ce6e420986ed74b942bcf67.mpc -set option:distort:viewport \
        1920x1080+0+0  +distort SRT '960.0,540.0 1.0 0 960.0,540.0'            \

I render frames with ffmpeg like so:

ffmpeg -y -f image2 -i /tmp/stills-project-6224/video_frames/img_%04d.pnm      \
       -i /tmp/soundtrack_8702693.wav -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuvj444p        \
       -b:v 2200k  -r 25 -strict experimental                                  \

The rest of the video is fine. The other images are photos (jpgs or pngs) that I process in the same way. I have also noticed that if I don't apply text to this background-template, the image shows up fine, so I think the issue has something to do with either how I'm processing or saving that image.



Solved this myself. It had nothing to do with the ImageMagick parts of this post, I was just using ffmpeg incorrectly. I am now calling it like so:

ffmpeg -y -f image2 -i /tmp/stills-project-6723/video_frames/img_%04d.pnm \
       -i /tmp/soundtrack_9080161.wav -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 22   \
       -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 25 -strict experimental                        \

and it works like a charm.

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