I have a function named readNextString(ifstream &file , char* &pBuffer) which extracts the next string from a file, until ',' or '\n' is reached, removes whitespace at the beginning and at the end of the string, saves the rest in pBuffer and returns true if everything worked fine - false otherwise. Everything works until the end-of-file is reached. When the eof flag is set I can't move my get pointer. I've tried this:

   file.seekg(0 , ios::end)

...and then remove whitespaces at the end of the string. This almost helped. The function extracts the string without the spaces but I get an infinite loop.

My actual question is: How can I check if the next char is EOF, and if I can't - is there any alternative way to do this?

Here is my actual function:

bool readNextString(ifstream &file , char* &pBuffer)
        return false;
    for(; file.good() && isWhitespace(file.peek()) && !file.eof() ; file.seekg(1 , ios::cur))
        cout << "The file is empty.\n";
        return false;
        streamoff startPos = file.tellg();
        cout << "startPos : " << startPos << endl;
        for(;file.good() && file.peek()!='\n' && file.peek()!=',' && file.peek()!= EOF; file.seekg(1 , ios::cur))
        streamoff A = file.tellg();
        cout << "A : " << A << endl;
        file.seekg(-1 , ios::cur);
        for(;file.good() && isWhitespace(file.peek()) ; file.seekg(-1 , ios::cur))
        file.seekg(2 , ios::cur);
        streamoff endPos = file.tellg();
        cout << "endPos : " << endPos << endl;
        pBuffer = new char[endPos-startPos];
            file.seekg(startPos , ios::beg);
            file.get(pBuffer , endPos-startPos , ',' || '\n');
            for(;file.good() && file.peek()!='\n' && file.peek()!=',' && file.peek()!= EOF; file.seekg(1 , ios::cur))
            file.seekg(2 , ios::cur);
            streamoff temp = file.tellg();
            cout << "temp : " << temp << endl;
            return true;
            cout << "Error! Not enough memory to complete the task.\nPlease close some applications and try again.\n";
            return false;

And that's one place where I call it:

void printCities()
    ifstream city ;
    city.open("cities.txt", fstream::in);
        char *currCity;
        int counter = 1;
        while(readNextString(city , currCity))
            cout << counter++ << ". " << currCity << endl;
            delete[] currCity;
            currCity = NULL;
            cout << "There are no cities added.\n";
        cout << "Error by opening 'cities.txt'.Make sure that the file exist and try again.\n";

Hope I was clear enough. If you find some other mistakes or possible errors I'll be glad to hear it and learn from it.


解决方案 3

Ok.I did it otherwise! getline() for the WIN ! :D So this is my code (this time is much more readable) :

bool readNextString(ifstream &file , char pBuffer[] )
    while(isWhitespace(file.peek()) && !file.eof())
        streamoff start = file.tellg();
        stringstream toComma;
        if(file.getline(pBuffer , 200 , ','))
            toComma << pBuffer;
            toComma.getline(pBuffer ,200, '\n');
            int i=strlen(pBuffer)-1;
            for(; isWhitespace(pBuffer[i]) ;i--)
            pBuffer[i+1] = '\0';
            file.seekg(start + strlen(pBuffer) , file.beg);
            return true;
        }else return false;
    return false;

I've made some changes in my other function too:

void printCities()
    ifstream city ;
    city.open("cities.txt", fstream::in);
            char currCity[200];
            int counter = 1;
            while(readNextString(city , currCity) && counter < 10)
                cout << counter++ << ". " << currCity << endl;
            cout << "There are no cities added.\n";
        cout << "Error by opening 'cities.txt'.Make sure that the file exist and try again.\n";

The function isEmpty(ifstream &file) returns true if the file is empty and false otherwise.

Thanks to all for help ! Best regards !


How can I check if the next char is EOF?

Like this

if (file.peek() == EOF)
    // next char is EOF

First, don't use seek to skip whitespace. Just get the character and be done with it.

Second, you seem to misunderstand the meaning of istream::good() and istream::eof(). There is never anytime where istream::good() is appropriate, and istream::eof() is usually only appropriate after input has failed. As for your loop skipping white space, the usual solution would be:

while ( isspace( file.peek() ) && file.peek() != EOF ) {
    file.get();     //  ignore read character...

Similar comments hold for the other loops as well, except that you won't want to ignore the read characters. To collect characters up to the next ',', for example:

std::string field;
while ( file.peek() != ',' && file.peek() != EOF ) {
    field.push_back( file.get() );

(And your file.get( pBuffer, endPos - startPos, ',' || '\n' ) certainly doesn't do what you expect it to; the expression ',' || '\n' will always evaluate to true, which, when converted to a char, is '\01.)

Finally, while the above strategy will work, it's far preferable to input larger units of text into an std::stream, and parse that. If the text is line oriented, use something like:

std::string line;
while ( std::getline( file, line ) ) {
    //  Parse line, using std::istringstream if appropriate,
    //  although this doesn't seem to be the case for your code.

This is orders of magnitude simpler than what you are doing.

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