I have used django-mptt to represent my hierarchical data. To get the data from database table I have used following code from my template.

{% load mptt_tags %}
{% recursetree nodes %} 
{{ node.name }}
{% endrecursetree %} 

Now I want to filter children by the id and I need only one immediate child to display in my template.how can I do this from my template?



level property and get_previous_sibling can be used to achieve this:

{% load mptt_tags %}

{% recursetree nodes %}

  {% if node.level == 0 %}
    {# first level #}
    {{ node.name }}
  {% elif not node.get_previous_sibling %}
    {# first child #}
    {{ node.name }}
  {% endif %}

  {{ children}}
{% endrecursetree %}

Please note that get_previous_sibling call will trigger db query.

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