I have some tag based syntax that works in Railo.

<cfloop collection="#myArray#" item="j" index="i"></cfloop>

The above allows me to access the index 'i' and the item itself, 'j'.

I want to do the same in cfscript, so I used:

for ( i in myArray) {}

However, 'i' gives me the item...how can I access the index value?

As a work-around, I have had to manually count an index like so:

j = 1;
for ( i in myArray) {

But this feels dirty. Does the for in syntax of cfscript allow for a true alternative to cfloop's collection?

I have tried Google searching all of this but never get any decent result. Is there a way to rewrite my for in loop to allow me access to the index too?

Thanks, Mikey.



It's not possible in ColdFusion, I'm afraid, other than the work-around you are currently using, or just using an indexed for loop.

However in Railo, there is this (rather awful tag/script hybrid syntax):

    loop array=[5,4,3,2,1] index="i" item="v"  {

So basically it's the <cfloop> without the angle brackets.


In CF 10 and Railo 4, you could use the Underscore.cfc library.

_ = new Underscore();// instantiate the library

_.each(myArray, function(item, index) {
   // code here

Although personally, I'd rather use one of the other functional methods, such a map or reduce, depending on what you're trying to do.

Note: I wrote Underscore.cfc

You can use:

    for (key in struct) {
        writeOutput("#key# = #struct[key]# <br>");


    <cfloop collection="#params#" item="key" >
        #key# = #params[key]#         

Remember to set "this.serialization.preservecaseforstructkey = true" in the Applicacion.cfc

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