The last couple of days the Ctrl+Z shortcut (Undo) scrolls down a line (a-la emacs). I tried to switch schemes back and forth, change and redefine the Undo in Default scheme, nothing seems to work. Other combinations (Alt+Ctrl+Z) work fine, other workspaces work fine with Ctrl+Z.

Any tip that will save me from redefining the workspace?



The key bindings are stored in the file [workspace]\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench\workbench.xmi.

You can search for Ctrl+Z in this file. What does it look like? You could try to edit it by hand.

Of course, it is advisable to backup the workspace before.


From time to time, I have encountered similar issues with keyboard shortcuts. They just disappear, or doesn't seem to work as expected.

Until I figure out what the root cause is, I check key bindings.

Window > Preferences > General > Keys

Check if the key bindings are still valid. If not, then set them and it should work.

Window > Preferences > General > Keys Look for Undo in the list, if the Binding is empty click on Restore Command apply and close. That should enable the shortcut.

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