I'm currently trying to develop a client-server structure, with the client being in .NET and the server being a PHP based SOAP server.

Now, I'm trying to implement an asymmetric key system using Rijndael 256 and a bit of fiddling about. I understand the basic concept of a public/private key pair (as per this page & Wikipedia), however I cannot get my head around it being secure in any client-side environment.

In short, the software will be running on the client machine, so the user will have the ability to tamper with the software. Most of the client's functionality revolves around responses received from the server in order to display reports & details. Along with that the client software will occasionally await a command from the server, where the server will tell the client to show a pop-up or execute a client-program shutdown (to do with licensing). I realise the server may crash or hang, or the client gets disconnected. Most of this has all been thought over and handled in code. But what I'm worried about is someone tampering with the client so that it completely ignores the server's commands.

The customer will have access to a wide variety of 'toys' such as IDA, ILDASM, de4dot and various other debuggers and/or decompilers and Im fairly certain an experienced cracker will be able to figure out the public/private key combination within a short period of time. I know .NET code on its own is very insecure, but I'm not sure what to do against that other then using tools such as .NET Reactor & Dotfuscator etc.

My question: what sort of practices, code, ideas or anything can I put to use in order to either severely delay said cracker, or rather, how do I protect the private key at all costs.

Any hints, tips, suggestions or samples very appreciated!



As @Corak stated, public/private key pairs usually work by keeping the private key private. On the client side, you can generate a new public/private key pair every time you connect. The easiest data to hide is the data that isn't saved in the first place.

The other part of your question is "how to stop a cracker!" That's not possible because the end-user has full control of the machine. You can play tricks to try to obfuscate your private key in memory, keep it out of the swap file, etc., etc., but any cracker with suitable tools and desire to crack your program will do it.


You can partner with leading hardware vendors. Have them install a super-secure chip on all their hardware, and this chip will be under your control and not the user's control. When activated, this chip will monitor all I/O and memory and only allow what you decide to allow. Then you can simply disallow programs like IDA, rendering crackers helpless! As a side effect, you also get complete control over the user's computer, and you can use that power however you want. Everyone wins!

One last note: if you do decide to implement this, I recommend that your marketing department put a heavy spin on it. There'll probably be a bunch of jerks whining about "privacy" and "ownership" and crap like that. So you'll need a good name for this technology; the name has to sound like something people would want.

I think you should call it "trustworthy computing" (since "trusted computing" is already taken). Or maybe "secure computing".

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