I need to use regular expression for to validate the following amount formatts from the input $10.00 0r ($10.00) ... that is amount should be in R2 format with $ sign with or without bracket. If it is in other formats validation has to fail. Please suggest on this.



Based on the comments below and the comment in the question about R2 format, the modified regex would be:


Try this regex:


\$ - matches the dollar symbol
\s* - matches any white space betn the dollar symbol and the digits or brace
\(? - matches the optional left brace
\d+ - matches the integral part of the number
(\.\d+)? - matches the optional decimal portion with the dot
\)? - matches the optional right brace

So you can try this xsd validator:

<xs:simpleType name="CurrencyFormat">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:pattern value="\$\s*\(?\d+(\.\d+)?\)?" />


try this:

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