I'm writing a Lisp program and am trying to be a bit conscientious about types. I guess there's performance improvements, but I'm more interested in using type annotations for documentation and safety. The problem is nil. I've run into two problems so far.

Exhibit A:

>(defmethod foo ((bar bar-class) (quux quux-class))

>(foo (make-instance 'bar-class) nil)
 ERROR: No applicable method, etcetera etcetera, because nil is not of type quux-class

Exhibit B:

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((f foo) &rest args)
  "Initialize the grid to be the right size, based on the height and width of the foo."
  (declare (ignorable args))
  (setf (slot-value f 'grid) (make-array (list (width f) (height f))
                                         :element-type 'foo-component
                                         :adjustable nil
                                         :initial-element nil)))


What's the best practice here? So far the only remotely-insightful idea I've had is to use the null object pattern and have (defclass nil-quux-class (quux-class) ...) and (defclass nil-foo-component (foo-component) ...), but that seems hacky at best. I'm not sure why, but it does. Frankly I'm not used to design patterny workarounds in CLOS :)



(A) What to you want to happen when you call foo with nil for the quux argument?

If you want nothing at all to happen then

(defmethod foo ((bar bar-class) (quux null))

will sort you out.

If you want the same code to be called as if you had passed an instance of quux-class, then either:

(defmethod foo ((bar bar-class) (quux quux-class))
  (do-stuff bar quux))

(defmethod foo ((bar bar-class) (quux null))
  (do-stuff bar quux))


(defmethod foo ((bar bar-class) quux)
  (unless (or (typep bar 'bar-class)
              (null bar))
    (error "Expected a bar-class or null, got ~s." quux))
  (do-stuff bar quux))

(B) You've gone

(make-array size :element-type 'foo-component
                 :initial-element nil)

and your lisp implementation has pointed out a contradiction - the initial elements can't be both nil and foo-components. (Well, I guess that depends on what your type foo-component looks like. I'm assuming it doesn't include null.)

You might consider:

(make-array :element-type '(or foo-component null)
            :initial-element nil)

but be aware: what do you want your lisp to gain from knowing that an array will contain either foo-components or nils? Optimisation? Error checking on your behalf? (Your mileage might vary, according to which lisp implementation you're using.)


Note that the element-type to a MAKE-ARRAY is not a real type declaration. It's a hint to the Lisp implementation what kind of data the array should be able to store. It then might select specialized array implementations or not.

UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE returns the element type of the most specialized array representation capable of holding items of the type denoted by typespec.

CL-USER 12 > (upgraded-array-element-type '(integer 0 100))

Above means that I request an array with integer elements between 0 and 100. This Lisp (here LispWorks) will give me an array with element type (unsigned-byte 8).

More examples:

CL-USER 13 > (upgraded-array-element-type 'fixnum)

CL-USER 14 > (upgraded-array-element-type 'complex)

CL-USER 15 > (defclass foo-component () ())

CL-USER 16 > (upgraded-array-element-type 'foo-component)

T here means that the array actually will store all kinds of data objects.

CL-USER 17 > (upgraded-array-element-type '(or null foo-component))

CL-USER 20 > (make-array 2
                         :element-type 'foo-component
                         :initial-element (make-instance 'foo-component))
#(#<FOO-COMPONENT 40203B9A03> #<FOO-COMPONENT 40203B9A03>)

CL-USER 21 > (array-element-type *)

Above shows that Lisp also then forgets, what was requested initially. We actually got an array of element-type T and when we ask for its element-type, then it is T.

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