I have a GUID (varchar(50,notnull) in sql) That I am returning from SQL via ExecuteScalar() in VB I am storing that value in a string (max of 2gb) in VB I then run a select where GUID = Stored GUID

When i run the program it looks like it trucates the GUID Sample {3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301}

Sampele Error The floating point value '3F2504E0' is out of the range of the computer representation (8bytes)

Is my executeScalar truncating this info?


 Dim sqlquery As String
        Dim ConnectionString As String
        If cmboxDatabaseName.Text <> "" Then
            ConnectionString = "Server=" + ServerName + "\" + InstanceName + "; Database=" + Control + "; User Id=" + UserId + ";Password=" + Password + ";"
            sqlquery = "Select top 1 GUID from dbo.Databases with(Nolock) where dbName = '" + cmboxDatabaseName.Text + "'"

            Using conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
                Using comm As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlquery, conn)
                    Hosted_GUID = comm.ExecuteScalar()
                End Using 'comm
            End Using 'conn 


There are a few things not quite right:

  1. Use UniqueIdentifier for GUID. There is a reason why SQL got this data type. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globally_unique_identifier

  2. If Hosted_GUID is declared as GUID, then you obviously can't implicitly convert like that!

    Hosted_GUID = comm.ExecuteScalar()

=> If you define your GUID-Column as UniqueIdentifier, your problems will suddenly disappear. Though make sure to check if comm.ExecuteScalar is Nothing.

MSDN about ExecuteScalar:

The first column of the first row in the result set, or a null reference.

EDIT: If you can not alter your current Column to UniqueIdentifier, last option would be to convert the string in code to GUID:

Hosted_GUID = new Guid(comm.ExecuteScalar())

Sidenote: Also make sure to use parameterized queries.

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