I currently have two branches I am working on. Because of a software update I had to completly change the folder structre. Therefore I moves the files in both branches. Now I reached a point where I want to merge my working branch into my master branch.

The problem is that there are merge conflicts that tell me that a file was added by only one branch (added by them or added by us). The problem is that the file has been added by both branches.

For example I have a texture at textures/texture1.png. The master branch just moved it to the right location (was before misc/textures/texture1.png). The working branch moved it to the exact same location and edited it afterwards. The merge conflict for this file says:

    added by us: textures/texture1.png

The point is that this is not the file I want! I want the file from the other branch!
When I do

git checkout --theirs textures/texture1.png

I get

error: path 'textures/texture1.png' does not have their veresion

But this file does exist! I added it recently! And that's the file I want

How do I resolve these conflicts?

(more information if needed!)


解决方案 3

a--b--c--M--d--f--E--g--h--i  <<< master
      x--M'--y--z              <<< you

does your situation looks somewhat like above (where M and M' are the commits moving and E is the commit that edits the textures)? you try to merge z/i and git is not really happy.

you might try to merge M with M' on a temporary branch

a--b--c---M--d--f--E--g--h--i  <<< master
    \      \
     \      X                  <<< helper
      \    /
       x--M'--y--z             <<< you

and then merge helper ("X") with you ("z") and master ("i").

a--b--c---M--d--f--E--g--h--i     <<< master
    \      \                 \ 
     \      X-----XX---------XXX  <<< helper
      \    /      /
       x--M'--y--z                <<< you

that way conflicts are resolved directly after they are created and not carried along. often this is easier because conflicts tend to grow over time.


You can always try

git mergetool

this will open a GUI, where you can choose your desired changes by just clicking the appropriate links. Sometimes you need to do manual changes. But in your case you just have to select a file image.

While resolving conflicts just use git checkout indicating the right tree-ish (branch name, tag, sha1 of the commit...) from where you want to get a file:

git checkout theirBranchYouAreMerging -- textures/texture1.png

If you don't want all "their" changes, you could then cancel them partially. For that you would need git reset -p for selectively removing any undesirable change from the index, and then git checkout to remove them from the working directory as well:

git checkout theirBranch -- some/file.txt
git reset -p -- some/file.txt
git checkout -- some/file.txt
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