.Net-wise, I've been stuck in 2005 until just recently. I know I have a lot of catching up to do but since I don't like inefficient code, the following code snippet (at the bottom of this question) from the SimpleInjector tutorial has me a bit stumped.

The problem is within the BootStrapper() method, which is used to intialize a static SimpleInjector container.

Within this method, a var container is declared and assigned a new Container(). At the end of the method, the method-scope container is then assigned to the static, App level container variable.

Why is this done this way? There must be a good reason for assigning the container first to a local-scope var and then, finally, assigning the var to the class-level, static Container variable. To me, this seems like an obvious, redundant assignment, but if that's the case, I doubt anyone would do it this way. What am I missing?

The code, below, is from the code from the SimpleInjector documentation. I understand all of what the code is doing, I just don't understand the point of this extra var assignment.

using System.Windows;
using SimpleInjector;

public partial class App : Application
    private static Container container; //<-- The static, class-level variable. 
                                        //    Why not assign to it from the get-go?!


    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

    private static void Bootstrap()
        // Create the container as usual.
        var container = new Container();  //What's the point of this var?

        // Register your types, for instance:
        container.RegisterSingle<IUserRepository, SqlUserRepository>();
        container.Register<IUserContext, WpfUserContext>();

        // Optionally verify the container.

        // Store the container for use by the application.
        App.container = container;  //Couldn't we have done this from line 1 of this method?

Source: SimpleInjector - Windows Presentation Foundation Integration Guide



If the container is assigned to the static property at once, then the static property would reference a container that is not yet fully initialized, which could have unwanted consequences.

Assigning the container to the static property only when it is fully initialized prevents others from using a partially initialized container.


I don't know SimpleInjector, but a possible reason would be if RegisterSingle, Register or Verify can throw an exception. If one of them does, you could be left with App.Container in an invalid state, whereas doing it this way App.Container will be left either in the desired new state or will be left untouched. Provided Container is a managed type, you get strong exception safety (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_safety).

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