I was wondering i am using the Axlsx gem to generate excel documents from data in our system. I have several worksheets that use data validation and all the formulas are on a worksheet called lists. Is it possible to hide that worksheet so that people dont mess up the data validations?

I have looked through the lib and saw that you can hide rows or columns but nowhere about worksheets?



It is possible to hide a worksheet. You simply have to define its :state property:

  p  = Axlsx::Package.new
  wb = p.workbook

  # Worksheets in the :hidden state can be shown using the sheet formatting
  # properties in excel.
  wb.add_worksheet name: 'hidden', state: :hidden do |sheet|
    sheet.add_row ['you cant see me!']

  # :very_hidden sheets should be inaccessible to end users.
  wb.add_worksheet name: 'very hidden', state: :very_hidden do |sheet|
    sheet.add_row ['you really cant see me!']




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