I am improving a script listing duplicated files that I have written last year (see the second script if you follow the link).

The record separator of the duplicated.log output is the zero byte instead of the carriage return \n. Example:

$> tr '\0' '\n' < duplicated.log
         12      dir1/index.htm
         12      dir2/index.htm
         12      dir3/index.htm
         12      dir4/index.htm
         12      dir5/index.htm

         32      dir6/video.m4v
         32      dir7/video.m4v

(in this example, the five files dir1/index.htm, ... and dir5/index.htm have same md5sum and their size is 12 bytes. The other two files dir6/video.m4vand dir7/video.m4v have same md5sum and their content size (du) is 32 bytes.)

As each line is ended by a zero byte (\0) instead of carriage return symbol (\n), blank lines are represented as two successive zero bytes (\0\0).

I use zero byte as line separator because, path-file-name may contain carriage return symbol.

But, doing that I am faced to this issue:
How to 'grep' all duplicates of a specified file from duplicated.log?
(e.g. How to retrieve duplicates of dir1/index.htm?)

I need:

$> ./youranswer.sh  "dir1/index.htm"  < duplicated.log | tr '\0' '\n'
         12      dir1/index.htm 
         12      dir2/index.htm 
         12      dir3/index.htm 
         12      dir4/index.htm 
         12      dir5/index.htm 
$> ./youranswer.sh  "dir4/index.htm"  < duplicated.log | tr '\0' '\n'
         12      dir1/index.htm 
         12      dir2/index.htm 
         12      dir3/index.htm 
         12      dir4/index.htm 
         12      dir5/index.htm 
$> ./youranswer.sh  "dir7/video.m4v"  < duplicated.log | tr '\0' '\n'
         32      dir6/video.m4v 
         32      dir7/video.m4v 

I was thinking about some thing like:

awk 'BEGIN { RS="\0\0" } #input record separator is double zero byte 
     /filepath/ { print $0 }' duplicated.log  

...but filepathmay contain slash symbols / and many other symbols (quotes, carriage return...).

I may have to use perl to deal with this situation...

I am open to any suggestions, questions, other ideas...



You're almost there: use the matching operator ~:

awk -v RS='\0\0' -v pattern="dir1/index.htm" '$0~pattern' duplicated.log


I have just realized that I could use the md5sum instead of the pathname because in my new version of the script I am keeping the md5sum information.

This is the new format I am currently using:

$> tr '\0' '\n' < duplicated.log
     12      89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879 dir1/index.htm 
     12      89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879 dir2/index.htm 
     12      89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879 dir3/index.htm 
     12      89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879 dir4/index.htm 
     12      89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879 dir5/index.htm 

     32      fc191f86efabfca83a94d33aad2f87b4 dir6/video.m4v 
     32      fc191f86efabfca83a94d33aad2f87b4 dir7/video.m4v

gawk and nawk give wanted result:

$> awk 'BEGIN { RS="\0\0" } 
   /89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879/ { print $0 }' duplicated.log | 
   tr '\0' '\n'
     12      89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879 dir1/index.htm 
     12      89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879 dir2/index.htm 
     12      89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879 dir3/index.htm 
     12      89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879 dir4/index.htm 
     12      89e8a208e5f06c65e6448ddeb40ad879 dir5/index.htm 

But I am still open about your answers :-)
(this current answer is just a workaround)

For curious, below the new (horrible) script under construction...


fifo=$(mktemp -u) 
fif2=$(mktemp -u)
dups=$(mktemp -u)
dirs=$(mktemp -u)
menu=$(mktemp -u)
numb=$(mktemp -u)
list=$(mktemp -u)

mkfifo $fifo $fif2

# run processing in background
find . -type f -printf '%11s %P\0' |  #print size and filename
tee $fifo |                           #write in fifo for dialog progressbox
grep -vzZ '^          0 ' |           #ignore empty files
LC_ALL=C sort -z |                    #sort by size
uniq -Dzw11 |                         #keep files having same size
while IFS= read -r -d '' line
do                                    #for each file compute md5sum
  echo -en "${line:0:11}" "\t" $(md5sum "${line:12}") "\0"
                                      #file size + md5sim + file name + null terminated instead of '\n'
done |                                #keep the duplicates (same md5sum)
tee $fif2 |
uniq -zs12 -w46 --all-repeated=separate | 
tee $dups  |
#xargs -d '\n' du -sb 2<&- |          #retrieve size of each file
gawk '
function tgmkb(size) { 
  if(size<1024) return int(size)    ; size/=1024; 
  if(size<1024) return int(size) "K"; size/=1024;
  if(size<1024) return int(size) "M"; size/=1024;
  if(size<1024) return int(size) "G"; size/=1024;
                return int(size) "T"; }
function dirname (path)
      { if(sub(/\/[^\/]*$/, "", path)) return path; else return "."; }
BEGIN { RS=ORS="\0" }
!/^$/ { sz=substr($0,0,11); name=substr($0,48); dir=dirname(name); sizes[dir]+=sz; files[dir]++ }
END   { for(dir in sizes) print tgmkb(sizes[dir]) "\t(" files[dir] "\tfiles)\t" dir }' |
LC_ALL=C sort -zrshk1 > $dirs &

tr '\0' '\n' <$fifo |
dialog --title "Collecting files having same size..."    --no-shadow --no-lines --progressbox $(tput lines) $(tput cols)

tr '\0' '\n' <$fif2 |
dialog --title "Computing MD5 sum" --no-shadow --no-lines --progressbox $(tput lines) $(tput cols)

wait $pid
DUPLICATES=$( grep -zac -v '^$' $dups) #total number of files concerned
UNIQUES=$(    grep -zac    '^$' $dups) #number of files, if all redundant are removed
DIRECTORIES=$(grep -zac     .   $dirs) #number of directories concerned
lins=$(tput lines)
cols=$(tput cols)
cat > $menu <<EOF
--hline "After selection of the directory, you will choose the redundant files you want to remove"
--menu  "There are $DUPLICATES duplicated files within $DIRECTORIES directories.\nThese duplicated files represent $UNIQUES unique files.\nChoose directory to proceed redundant file removal:"
tr '\n"' "_'" < $dirs |
gawk 'BEGIN { RS="\0" } { print FNR " \"" $0 "\" " }' >> $menu

dialog --file $menu 2> $numb
[[ $? -eq 1 ]] && exit
set -x
dir=$( grep -zam"$(< $numb)" . $dirs | tac -s'\0' | grep -zam1 . | cut -f4- )
md5=$( grep -zam"$(< $numb)" . $dirs | tac -s'\0' | grep -zam1 . | cut -f2  )

grep -zao "$dir/[^/]*$" "$dups" | 
while IFS= read -r -d '' line
  awk 'BEGIN { RS="\0\0" } '"/$md5/"' { print $0 }' >> $list

echo -e "
fifo $fifo \t dups $dups \t menu $menu
fif2 $fif2 \t dirs $dirs \t numb $numb \t list $list"

#rm -f $fifo $fif2 $dups $dirs $menu $numb
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