I am using c# wpf for windows surface 2.0.

I have been working with a set of images that i import in the xmpl file.

I found some examples for text, but for the images they used GDI+ to manipulate images and animate them, but I do not want that.

The main thing that I want to do now is to rotate(transform rotate) an image and show that it is rotating.

Here is how I am addressing the images:

Canvas.SetTop(image1, 0);
Canvas.SetLeft(image1, 200);

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.


解决方案 2

Your question is not very specific and there are a lot of ways to animate the rotation of an image.

A simple approach would be to assign a RotateTransform to the RenderTransform of your Image controls and then animate the Angle property of these RotateTransforms.

<Image x:Name="image" Source="..."

Start the animation in code like this:

var transform = (RotateTransform)image.RenderTransform;
var animation = new DoubleAnimation(360, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
transform.BeginAnimation(RotateTransform.AngleProperty, animation);

You may start reading about animations in WPF in the Animation Overview article on MSDN. The Transforms Overview article may also be helpful.


If you want to rotate your image automatically and without user interaction, check Clemens' answer. However if you want to rotate with touch manipulations, I find it easy to put the image in a ScatterViewItem like so:

    <s:ScatterViewItem CanMove="False" CanScale="False">
            <ImageBrush ImageSource="yourImage.png" Stretch="UniformToFill"/>

Of course, you have the overhead of having to put in a ScatterView and its content

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