I would like to automate exporting csv files from vtk/vtu files.

Right now, the steps I take are:

  • open paraview
  • load in the pvd file that stores the information about all vtu files (one for each time steps in my PDE simulation)
  • goto Properties tab on the left, hit 'apply'
  • File->save Data... provide a base file name, select 'points' and 'write all timesteps'

this writes a csv file for each timesteps with the name basefilename#timestepno#.csv

Is there a way to do this from the commandline (there's no X server on the computer that's doing the computations), eg using the python interface?



Try the following in either the Python Shell in the UI or using the pvpython or pvbatch Python executables.

from paraview import simple
reader = simple.OpenDataFile("..../foo.pvd")
writer = simple.CreateWriter("..../foo.csv", reader)
writer.WriteAllTimeSteps = 1
writer.FieldAssociation = "Points"


I had a similar problem with pvtu files and solved it with the script below. I run the script using execfile("SCRIPTNAME") in Paraview -> Tools -> Python Shell. I hope this helps.

-- Reinhard

from paraview.simple import *
import os

"""Function that counts number of files
with specific extension in directory """
def directory(path,extension):
  list_dir = []
  list_dir = os.listdir(path)
  count = 0
  for file in list_dir:
    if file.endswith(extension): # eg: '.txt'
      count += 1
  return count

"""Choose input/output directory and filenames"""
pvtu_input_directory = "thin_1000_0.4/mesh/"
csv_output_directory = "thin_1000_0.4/csv/"
input_filename_root = "output"
output_filename_root = "output"

""" Create output directory """
os.system('mkdir '+csv_output_directory)

"""Start Loop over all files """
number_of_pvtu = directory(pvtu_input_directory,'.pvtu')
for index in range(1,number_of_pvtu):
    in_filename = input_filename_root + "%0.4d" % index+".pvtu"
    out_filename = output_filename_root + "%0.4d" % index +".csv"
    loadfile = pvtu_input_directory + in_filename
    writefile = csv_output_directory + out_filename
    r = XMLPartitionedUnstructuredGridReader( FileName=loadfile)
    writer = CreateWriter(writefile,r)
    writer.FieldAssociation = "Points"

""" That's it. """"
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