My CTO (Chief Technical Officer) asked me to come up with a way where he could write one single function in the base class, and have access to the all the properties of the child class. Here is what I came up with -

Base Class

class Assets
    public Assets getPropertyVal(Assets asObj)
        PropertyInfo[] propInfos = asObj.GetType().GetProperties();
        string strAttributeValue = "10";
        foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in propInfos)
            // Getting the value
            var propValue = propInfo.GetValue(asObj, null);

            // Setting the value
            propInfo.SetValue(asObj, Convert.ChangeType(strAttributeValue, propInfo.PropertyType), null);

        return asObj;

Child Class

class House : Assets
    public int rooms{get; set;}

Program.cs file

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        House hsObj = new House();
        hsObj.rooms = 5;

        Assets asObj = hsObj.getPropertyVal(hsObj);
        // Returns asObj as JSON

Now this works fine, but I was just wondering if there was a better way to do this in C#.

Note that we do not know what properties will be present in the child class, so this will have to be determined at run-time.

UPDATE : Making it clear, I was just wondering if there is a better way to access the child class properties, one without using reflection. The important point to note is that we have no idea what properties a child class may have.

UPDATE #2 : I am working with a product that has many entities. These entities have different properties. I want to be able to access and work with all these properties in one single place. This function is exactly that. It's that one single place from where I can access all the data.



First, your Program.cs doesn't actually "do" what you say you want. It sounds like you want a program so that you can do this:

Asset myAsset = new House();
myAsset.Rooms = 5;

But, why would you even want to do that anyway? If your asset isn't a House, it will throw an exception, so you will need to check that first:

if (myAsset is House)
    myAsset.Rooms = 5;

At that point, you might as well just cast it to a House though. It sounds like you may want to use a PropertyBag or Dictionary instead of inheritance.

I think what you are describing is this. Note that option 1 doesn't really restrict which properties can be used on which classes, so I'm guessing this won't really work for your specific case.

// Option 1, a Property Bag (Note: this replaces the properties on the classes)
class Asset
    Dictionary<string, object> myPropertyBag = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    public T GetProperty<T>(string property)
        // This throws if the property doesn't exist
        return (T)myPropertyBag[property];

    public void SetProperty<T>(string property, T value)
        // This adds the property if it doesn't exist
        myPropertyBag[property] = (object)value;

// Option 2, use a switch and override this function in derived classes
class Asset
    public int SomePropertyOnAsset { get; set; }

    public virtual T GetProperty<T>(string property)
        switch (property)
            case "SomePropertyOnAsset": return this.SomePropertyOnAsset;

            default: throw new ArgumentException("property");

    public virtual void SetProperty<T>(string property, T value)
        switch (property)
            case "SomePropertyOnAsset": this.SomePropertyOnAsset = (int)value;

            default: throw new ArgumentException("property");

class House : Asset
    public int Rooms { get; set; }

    public virtual T GetProperty<T>(string property)
        switch (property)
            case "Rooms": return this.Rooms;

            default: return base.GetProperty<T>(property);

    public virtual void SetProperty<T>(string property, T value)
        switch (property)
            case "Rooms": this.Rooms = (int)value; 

            default: base.SetProperty<T>(property, value);

Then, this is how you use them:

// Option 1
Asset asset = new House();
asset.SetProperty("Rooms", 5);
var rooms = asset.GetProperty<int>("Rooms");

// Option 2
Asset asset = new House();
asset.SetProperty("Rooms", 5);
asset.SetProperty("SomePropertyOnAsset", 10);
asset.SetProperty("SomethingElse", 15); // Throws ArgumentException

A 3rd option is to make Asset a DynamicObject.

If you can't or don't want to make a major change to your Asset base class or touch every entity, you will probably need to use reflection.


Luke Gravitt is probably right. You might just want to cast it to a house.

House myHouse = asObj as House;
if ( myHouse != null )
  // do some fun house stuff

Yacht myYacht = asObj as Yacht;
if ( myYacht != null )
   // put on monocle
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