How can I disable all of Quickfix/n's log and file factories? I want to handle all logging and message sending myself because I do not like the way how Quickfix sources log messages, meaning I want to decide when and how logging messages originate. Is there a way to completely disable any screen based or file based logging?




There should be a NullLogFactory, but I don't currently see one, and I'm kind of confused why not. I thought there was one. (If you didn't know, I maintain QF/n.)

But you can create one like so:

public class NullLogFactory : ILogFactory
    SessionSettings settings_;

    #region LogFactory Members

    public NullLogFactory(SessionSettings settings)

    public ILog Create(SessionID sessionID)
        return new QuickFix.NullLog();


The next QF/n release will contain a null factory or something to fill that gap.


Old question but possibly of use to somebody that searches for this.

If you want to make it easier to enable/disable logging I think it is much better to set a value in the app.config file and process it in the socket initiator class as such:


    <add key="LogMessages" value="false"/>

Application Code

bool logMessages = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogMessages"]);

    SocketInitiator initiator;
    QuickFix.SessionSettings settings = new QuickFix.SessionSettings(file);
    MessageProcessor application = new MessageProcessor();
    QuickFix.IMessageStoreFactory storeFactory = new QuickFix.FileStoreFactory(settings);
    QuickFix.ILogFactory logFactory = new QuickFix.FileLogFactory(settings);

    if (!logMessages)
            initiator = new QuickFix.Transport.SocketInitiator(application, storeFactory, settings);
            initiator = new QuickFix.Transport.SocketInitiator(application, storeFactory, settings, logFactory);

    application.MyInitiator = initiator;

    while (!initiator.IsLoggedOn)
        //wait until the initiator has logged on
    //do stuff
{// exception handling code}

This question is an old one but hope this answer will help if anyone have the same issue as I did not find any related question.

According to the Quickfix Configuration, default value of FileLogPath in your configuration file is '-'. Therefore, remove or comment the FileLogPath setting from your configuration file.

When you create the socket initiator instance, you have 3 overloads by Quickfix SocketInitiator class as mentioned bellow.

public SocketInitiator(IApplication application, IMessageStoreFactory storeFactory, SessionSettings settings);
public SocketInitiator(IApplication application, IMessageStoreFactory storeFactory, SessionSettings settings, ILogFactory logFactory);
public SocketInitiator(IApplication application, IMessageStoreFactory storeFactory, SessionSettings settings, ILogFactory logFactory, IMessageFactory messageFactory);

We need to use the first one as we need to switch off the quickfix logs.

Sample code segment is mentioned bellow

SessionSettings settings = new("your-config.cfg");
IMessageStoreFactory storeFactory = new FileStoreFactory(settings);
SocketInitiator initiator = new(_application, storeFactory, settings);

Afterwith, you can implement different logging mechanism to handle your logs. For example, Serilog

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