When i set the image with an url in code behind it doesn't work , i don't know why ?

 if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/Images/EmpQr/") + int.Parse(Session["userID"].ToString()) + ".PNG")) //It passes this condition 
                tr_res.Visible = true;
                img_res.ImageUrl = Server.MapPath("~/Images/EmpQr/" + int.Parse(Session["userID"].ToString()) + ".PNG"); //Here 's the problem ,no image 

                tr_res.Visible = false;

<asp:Image ID="img_res" runat="server" AlternateText="result"  />

When i set image url like this

ImageUrl ="~/Images/EmpQr/1345.PNG"

in the design view it works .

How to fix this problem ?



Server.MapPath gives you local path to the file. While what you really want is the relative to the application root path (on the server!). For this what you already have, ~/Images/EmpQr/ is fine, so just append file name to it:

img_res.ImageUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}.PNG", "~/Images/EmpQr/", int.Parse(Session["userID"].ToString()));

Update. Out of curiosity, after discussion in comments, here is the relevant part of Image control source code, which proves that url in form of ~/Images/... will be handled correctly:

protected override void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter writer)
string text = this.ImageUrl;
if (!this.UrlResolved)
    text = base.ResolveClientUrl(text);
if (this.RenderingCompatibility >= VersionUtil.Framework45)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || base.DesignMode)
        writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Src, text);
    if (text.Length > 0 || !base.EnableLegacyRendering)
        writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Src, text);


You found the problem yourself, because as you say, setting the image URL using "~/Images/.../" works, whereas using Server.MapPath doesn't. The reason Server.MapPath doesn't work is because this function returns the physical path to the image (as in c:\site...) and what you need is the Virtual Path. You can set the Image Path from code behind using Page.ResolveClientUrl instead. Something like this:

image.ImageUrl= ResolveClientURL("~/Images/image.png");

Server.MapPath("~/Images/EmpQr/" + int.Parse(Session["userID"].ToString()) + ".PNG") instead of this use this one Server.MapPath("~/Images/EmpQr/") + int.Parse(Session["userID"].ToString()) + ".PNG"

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