I'm trying to get this sub to execute when my lable has focus and someone clicks "Enter" This is the code I have so far...

Private Sub AssignOwnersLabel_Click() Handles AssignOwnersLabel.Click
    Dim repository As OwnerRepositorySvc.OwnerRepositoryClient = Nothing

    For Each programRow As DataGridViewRow In ProgramOwnerFill.SelectedRows
        programRow.Cells(0).Value = AssignOwnersTXTBox.Text

    repository = OpenRepository()

    Dim dataview As DataView = _ds.ProgramOwners.DefaultView

    dataview.Sort = _ds.ProgramOwners.EmployeeIDColumn.ColumnName
    Me.ProgramOwnersBindingSource.DataSource = dataview

End Sub

I think to get this to work I need to do something with "keychar" but I'm not sure how that would look. Thanks for help!



To find out if the user pressed the enter key, do this:

Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
    If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
        ' Put logic here for when the user pressed enter
    End if
End Sub

Note: There are several key-type events, such as KeyPress, KeyDown and KeyUp.

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