

 Name        : test.c
 Author      :
 Version     :
 Copyright   : Your copyright notice
 Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define n  100
int main(void){

 int numbers[n];
 int i = 1;
 int j;
        int input;
 int maxvalue;
 int minvalue;

   printf("Enter the next array element>");

input = scanf("%d", &numbers[100]);

while (input != 0){

  numbers[i] = input;
  printf("Enter the next array element, while loop>");
  input = scanf("%d", &numbers[n]);
  if (input == 0){
printf("Enter the next array element, if loop");
   numbers[i] = 0;

   for (j =2;j <= i; j++){
    minvalue = numbers[1];

    if (numbers[j] > minvalue){
     maxvalue = numbers[j] ;
     minvalue = numbers[j] ;



printf("%f\t", maxvalue);

printf("%f\n", minvalue); 


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define N  100
int main(void){

    int numbers[N];
    int i = 0;
    int j;
        int input;
    int maxvalue;
    int minvalue;

            printf("Enter the next array element>");

scanf("%d", &input);

while (input != 0){

        numbers[i] = input;

        if (input == 0){
            numbers[i] = 0;
                        minvalue = numbers[0];
                        maxvalue = numbers[0];
                        for (j=0;j<=i-1;j++){

                            if (minvalue >= numbers[j]){
                                minvalue = numbers[j];
                            }else if (maxvalue <= numbers[j]){
                                maxvalue = numbers[j];


/* min = value of first array element
max = value of first array element

begin loop for each array element, index = 0 to (n-1)

--- if array element value is less than min, set min to this value
--- if array element value is more than max, set max to this value

increment index and repeat loop til last index is completed

average = sum / number of elements (n).
max and min will hold their correct values.*/

                printf("Enter the next array element, while loop>");
    scanf("%d", &input);

printf("%d\t", maxvalue);
printf("%d", minvalue);


Enter the next array element>1
Enter the next array element, while loop>2
Enter the next array element, while loop>3
Enter the next array element, while loop>0
12190144 l6Press [Enter] to close the terminal


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define N  100
int main(void){

    int numbers[N];
    int i = 0;
    int j;
        int input;
    int maxvalue =1;
    int minvalue = 1;
            printf("Enter the next array element>");

scanf("%d", &input);
minvalue = input;
maxvalue = input;

while (input != 0){
    numbers[i] = input;

                printf("Enter the next array element>");
    scanf("%d", &input);

if (input == 0){
numbers[i] = 0;


for (j =0;j<i;j++){
 if (numbers[j] >= maxvalue){
                                maxvalue = numbers[j];
                            if(numbers[j] < minvalue){
                                minvalue = numbers[j];


printf("%d\t", maxvalue);
printf("%d\n", minvalue);



首先,您要分配 input 到返回值 scanf(). 。这是呼叫分配的项目数,由于您说输入始终是正确的,因此此值将永远是 1.

其次,您正在写过去 numbers[] 与该行的数组:

input = scanf("%d", &numbers[100]);

(你应该做 scanf("%d, &input) 而是分配 numbers[i] 输入循环。

最后,您无需重新计算 maxvalueminvalue 通过迭代 numbers[] 循环的每一个迭代。相反,只需将它们与 input 并相应地分配它们。



看来您的中心问题是您仅比较每个数字 minvalue. 。可以决定是否替换电流是可以的 minvalue, ,但显然没有告诉您关于每个元素与 maxvalue.





您正在问两个问题,即有关最小 /最大计算的策略和循环的策略。不要(对您自己),但一次解决一个问题。所以首先把类似的东西

signed int input[] = { 8, -5 , /* some more values */ };
size_t const n = sizeof input/ sizeof input[0];

一开始,忘记了你的 scanf 问题。


然后通过警告编译您的代码:例如 -Wall 为了 gcc, ,但这对于您的编译器可能有所不同。




我已经重新注册了您的代码,并用`/ * ...占位符... */替换了很多代码。 */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define N  100
int main(void) {
    int numbers[N];
    int i = 0;
    int input;
    int maxvalue;
    int minvalue;

    printf("Enter the next array element>");
    scanf("%d", &input);

    while (input != 0) {
        numbers[i] = input;

        if (input == 0) {
            /* ...PLACEHOLDER... */
        printf("Enter the next array element, while loop>");
        scanf("%d", &input);
    printf("%d\t", maxvalue);
    printf("%d", minvalue);

希望您能看到输入1,2或3的情况以及Enetr 0时会发生什么。

暗示: maxvalueminvalue 值永远不会改变。

另一个提示:几次 while() 行执行?

编辑 与示例运行


        printf("Enter the next array element>"); |
        scanf("%d", &input);                     | Enter 42
        while (input != 0) {                     | input is 42, so you do the loop
            numbers[i] = input;                  | numbers[0] = 42
            i++;                                 | i = 1
            if (input == 0) {                    | input != 0; skip placeholder
                /* ...PLACEHOLDER... */          |
            }                                    |
            printf("Enter the next ...>");       |
            scanf("%d", &input);                 | enter 3
        }                                        | 
        while (input != 0) {                     | input is 3
            numbers[i] = input;                  | numbers[1] = 3
            i++;                                 | i = 2
            if (input == 0) {                    | input != 0; skip placeholder
                /* ...PLACEHOLDER... */          |
            }                                    |
            printf("Enter the next ...>");       |
            scanf("%d", &input);                 | enter 0
        }                                        | 
        while (input != 0) {                     | input is 0, skip while body
            /* ...PLACEHOLDER... */              |
        }                                        |
        printf("%d\t", maxvalue);                | maxvalue hasn't been initialized
        printf("%d", minvalue);                  | minvalue hasn't been changed
int cmp(const void *a,const void *b)
  return *(const int*)a-*(const int*)b;
qsort( numbers, 100, sizeof(numbers[0]), cmp );
printf("\nmin: %d\nmax: %d",numbers[0],numbers[99]);
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不隶属于 StackOverflow
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