正如标题所述,我想知道我的验证类可以从模型中访问所有属性是否是个好主意。理想情况下,我想这样做,因为某些字段需要10个以上的其他字段来验证其是否有效。我 可以 但宁愿没有10+参数的函数。还是这会使模型和验证器彼此相互结合?这是我的意思的一个小例子。但是,此代码不起作用,因为它给出了无限循环!

Class User
    Private m_UserID
    Private m_Validator

    Public Sub Class_Initialize()
    End Sub

    Public Property Let Validator(value)
        Set m_Validator = value

    End Property

    Public Property Get Validator()
        Validator = m_Validator
    End Property

    Public Property Let UserID(value)
        m_UserID = value
    End property

    Public Property Get UserID()
        UserID = m_Validator.IsUserIDValid()
    End property End Class

Class Validator
    Private m_User

    Public Sub Class_Initialize()
    End Sub

    Public Sub Initialize(value)
        Set m_User = value
    End Sub

    Public Function IsUserIDValid()
        IsUserIDValid = m_User.UserID > 13
    End Function End Class

Dim mike : Set mike = New User 

mike.UserID = 123456  mike.Validator = New Validator

Response.Write mike.UserID

如果我是对的,这是一个好主意,我该如何使用Get Property UserId来修复无限循环?



<!-- #include file = "../lib/Collection.asp" -->

<style type="text/css">

td { padding: 4px; }

    background: #F00F00;

    background: #FC0;



Class UserModel
    Private m_Name
    Private m_Age
    Private m_Height

    Public Property Let Name(value)
        m_Name = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get Name()
        Name = m_Name
    End Property

    Public Property Let Age(value)
        m_Age = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get Age()
        Age = m_Age
    End Property

    Public Property Let Height(value)
        m_Height = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get Height()
        Height = m_Height
    End Property
End Class

Class NameValidation
    Private m_Name

    Public Function Init(name)
        m_Name = name
    End Function

    Public Function Validate()
        Dim validationObject

        If Len(m_Name) < 5 Then
            Set validationObject = New ValidationError
            Set validationObject = New ValidationSuccess
        End If

        validationObject.CellValue = m_Name

        Set Validate = validationObject
    End Function
End Class

Class AgeValidation
    Private m_Age

    Public Function Init(age)
        m_Age = age
    End Function

    Public Function Validate()
        Dim validationObject

        If m_Age < 18 Then
            Set validationObject = New ValidationError
        ElseIf m_Age = 18 Then
            Set validationObject = New ValidationWarning
            Set validationObject = New ValidationSuccess
        End If

        validationObject.CellValue = m_Age

        Set Validate = validationObject
    End Function
End Class

Class HeightValidation
    Private m_Height

    Public Function Init(height)
        m_Height = height
    End Function

    Public Function Validate()
        Dim validationObject

        If m_Height > 400 Then
            Set validationObject = New ValidationError
        ElseIf m_Height = 324 Then
            Set validationObject = New ValidationWarning
            Set validationObject = New ValidationSuccess
        End If

        validationObject.CellValue = m_Height

        Set Validate = validationObject
    End Function
End Class

Class ValidationError
    Private m_CSSClass
    Private m_CellValue

    Public Property Get CSSClass()
        CSSClass = "error"
    End Property

    Public Property Let CellValue(value)
        m_CellValue = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get CellValue()
        CellValue = m_CellValue
    End Property
End Class

Class ValidationWarning
    Private m_CSSClass
    Private m_CellValue

    Public Property Get CSSClass()
        CSSClass = "warning"
    End Property

    Public Property Let CellValue(value)
        m_CellValue = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get CellValue()
        CellValue = m_CellValue
    End Property
End Class

Class ValidationSuccess
    Private m_CSSClass
    Private m_CellValue

    Public Property Get CSSClass()
        CSSClass = ""
    End Property

    Public Property Let CellValue(value)
        m_CellValue = value
    End Property

    Public Property Get CellValue()
        CellValue = m_CellValue
    End Property
End Class

Class ModelValidator
    Public Function ValidateModel(model)
        Dim modelValidation : Set modelValidation = New CollectionClass

        ' Validate name
        Dim name : Set name = New NameValidation
        name.Init model.Name
        modelValidation.Add name

        ' Validate age
        Dim age : Set age = New AgeValidation
        age.Init model.Age
        modelValidation.Add age

        ' Validate height
        Dim height : Set height = New HeightValidation
        height.Init model.Height
        modelValidation.Add height

        Dim validatedProperties : Set validatedProperties = New CollectionClass
        Dim modelVal
        For Each modelVal In modelValidation.Items()
            validatedProperties.Add modelVal.Validate()

        Set ValidateModel = validatedProperties
    End Function
End Class

Dim modelCollection : Set modelCollection = New CollectionClass

Dim user1 : Set user1 = New UserModel
user1.Name = "Mike"
user1.Age = 12
user1.Height = 32
modelCollection.Add user1

Dim user2 : Set user2 = New UserModel
user2.Name = "Phil"
user2.Age = 18
user2.Height = 432
modelCollection.Add user2

Dim user3 : Set user3 = New UserModel
user3.Name = "Michele"
user3.Age = 32
user3.Height = 324
modelCollection.Add user3

' Validate all models in the collection
Dim modelValue
Dim validatedModels : Set validatedModels = New CollectionClass
For Each modelValue In modelCollection.Items()
    Dim objModelValidator : Set objModelValidator = New ModelValidator
    validatedModels.Add objModelValidator.ValidateModel(modelValue)



    Dim r, c
    For Each r In validatedModels.Items()
        For Each c In r.Items()
            %><td class="<%= c.CSSClass %>"><%= c.CellValue %></td><%        


产生的 Solution image






Public Property Get UserID()
     UserID = m_Validator.IsUserIDValid(m_userID)
End property 

// in Validator
Public Function IsUserIDValid(userID)
    IsUserIDValid = userID > 13
End Function


Public Property Get UserID()
     UserID = m_Validator.IsUserIDValid()
End property 

Friend Function GetUserID()
   GetUserID = m_userID
End Function

// in Validator
Public Function IsUserIDValid()
    // "private" access - to get the unvalidated property
    IsUserIDValid = m_user.GetUserID > 13
End Function


class User
    Private m_userID
    Public Property Get UserID()
         UserID = m_userID
    End property 
End Class

class ValidatedUser inherits User
   Public Overrides Property Get UserID()
       if (m_userID<15)
           // handle invalid case, e.g. throw exception with property that is invalid
       UserID = m_userID
   End Property

   Public Function Validate()
    ' class-level validation
   End Function
End Class

最终变化使用委托将基本用户属性与经过验证的用户属性分开。我们使用户成为抽象类,因为我们必须实现 - 一个具有验证的类别,而没有实现。

Class MustInherit User
   Public MustInherit Property Get UserID()
End Class

' A simple implementation of User that provides the properties
Class DefaultUser Inherits User
   Private m_UserID
   Public Overrides Property Get UserID()
      UserID = m_UserID
   End Property   
End Class

Class ValidatedUser Inherits User
   private Validator m_validator
   private User m_User

   Public Property Let Validator(value)
        Set m_Validator = value
        ' note that validator uses m_User - this breaks the infinite recursion
    End Property

   Public Overrides Property Let UserID(value)
      m_User.UserID = value;
   End Property

   Public Overrides Property Get UserID()
      UserID = m_validator.IsUserValid();
   End Property
End Class   

在最后一个示例中,验证的用户看起来与您的原始代码相似,但是关键区别在于验证的使用者本身没有任何属性值 - 它将所有属性访问者委派给M_USER对象。验证器使用M_USER对象,该对象提供没有验证的简单属性,因此无限递归消失了。

目前,在检索属性时进行验证。我想这是因为您想在使用数据之前验证数据,并在分配属性时避免瞬态验证错误。除了属性级别的验证外,您可能还需要定义一个“整个对象”验证方法,该方法检查对象上的所有属性,尤其是涉及多专业约束的属性。例如,如果您具有约束A+B+C <50,则将AB和C作为单独的属性进行检查将导致该条件(A+B+C <50)进行了3次评估,这是不必要的,并且也令人困惑由于该错误将出现在一个特定属性上,因此这确实是所有3个属性的问题。您的对象级验证器只能检查一次条件,并标记一个指示所有3个属性无效的错误。

以上所有这些都将验证绑定到用户类,以便客户可以在不关心验证的情况下使用用户。这种方法有好处和缺点。好处是透明度 - 客户端可以使用用户对象并在不明确要求的情况下获得幕后验证。缺点是它与您的模型非常紧密地联系在一起。一种替代方法是将验证与用户对象完全分开。这不仅取消了验证,而且还提供了“全体对象”验证。例如

' User is now a simple class (like DefaultUser above '
' with just properties, no validation '
Class UserValidator

   Public Function Validate(user)
     ' validate the given user object, return a list of
     ' validation errors, each validation error object
     ' that describes the property or properties
     ' that caused the validation error and why it's an error     
     ' E.g. '
     Dim ve As ValidationError 
     ve = new ValidationError
     ve.obj = user;   ' the object that failed validation
     ve.property = "userID"
     ve.msg = "userId must be < 15"
     ' potentially put several of these in a list and return to caller     
End Class

然后,任何操纵用户的代码都必须在进行更改后明确调用验证,但这通常不是问题,并且控制级别比自动完成的控制水平要好得多。 (根据我的经验,您几乎总是必须在某个时候撤消“自动”动作,因为它们会妨碍您。)


PS:我没有做太多的VB,所以请宽容偶尔的语法错误。我是OO程序员,所以我知道原理是正确的。而且我只是注意到“ ASP经典”标签 - 一些示例使用了经典ASP中可能无法使用的功能,尽管单独的验证器代码 - 最后一个示例应该在经典ASP上很好。




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