

uint64_t a = xxx, b = yyy; 

当我这样做 a * b, 我怎么检测,如果操作的结果溢出和在这种情况下存储的随身携带的某个地方?

请注意, 我不想用任何大量的图书馆 因为我有约束我的方式储存的数字。



<强> 1。检测溢出:

x = a * b;
if (a != 0 && x / a != b) {
    // overflow handling


<强> 2。计算进位非常复杂。一种方法是将两个操作数分成半字,然后将长乘法应用于一半-words:

uint64_t hi(uint64_t x) {
    return x >> 32;

uint64_t lo(uint64_t x) {
    return ((1L << 32) - 1) & x;

void multiply(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
    // actually uint32_t would do, but the casting is annoying
    uint64_t s0, s1, s2, s3; 

    uint64_t x = lo(a) * lo(b);
    s0 = lo(x);

    x = hi(a) * lo(b) + hi(x);
    s1 = lo(x);
    s2 = hi(x);

    x = s1 + lo(a) * hi(b);
    s1 = lo(x);

    x = s2 + hi(a) * hi(b) + hi(x);
    s2 = lo(x);
    s3 = hi(x);

    uint64_t result = s1 << 32 | s0;
    uint64_t carry = s3 << 32 | s2;


        x = s2 + hi(a) * hi(b) + hi(x)

B = 1 << 32。然后我们

            x <= (B - 1) + (B - 1)(B - 1) + (B - 1)
              <= B*B - 1
               < B*B

我相信这会奏效 - 至少它会处理Sjlver的测试用例。除此之外,它是未经测试的(甚至可能无法编译,因为我手头没有C ++编译器了。)



a*b > c当且仅当a > c/b



if(a <!> gt; max_int64 / b)然后<!> quot; overflow <!> quot; else <!> quot; ok <!> <<;



if (b > 0 && a > 18446744073709551615 / b) {
     // overflow handling
}; else {
    c = a * b;


18446744073709551615 == (1<<64)-1



// split input numbers into 32-bit digits
uint64_t a0 = a & ((1LL<<32)-1);
uint64_t a1 = a >> 32;
uint64_t b0 = b & ((1LL<<32)-1);
uint64_t b1 = b >> 32;

// The following 3 lines of code is to calculate the carry of d1
// (d1 - 32-bit second digit of result, and it can be calculated as d1=d11+d12),
// but to avoid overflow.
// Actually rewriting the following 2 lines:
// uint64_t d1 = (a0 * b0 >> 32) + a1 * b0 + a0 * b1;
// uint64_t c1 = d1 >> 32;
uint64_t d11 = a1 * b0 + (a0 * b0 >> 32); 
uint64_t d12 = a0 * b1;
uint64_t c1 = (d11 > 18446744073709551615 - d12) ? 1 : 0;

uint64_t d2 = a1 * b1 + c1;
uint64_t carry = d2; // needed carry stored here


出于这一原因,我编写并测试了几种可能实现(最后一个是基于 这个代码 从OpenBSD,讨论上。 在这里,).这里的代码:

/* Multiply with overflow checking, emulating clang's builtin function
 *     __builtin_umull_overflow
 * This code benchmarks five possible schemes for doing so.

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>

#ifndef BOOL
    #define BOOL int

// Option 1, check for overflow a wider type
//    - Often fastest and the least code, especially on modern compilers
//    - When long is a 64-bit int, requires compiler support for 128-bits
//      ints (requires GCC >= 3.0 or Clang)

#if LONG_BIT > 32
    typedef __uint128_t long_overflow_t ;
    typedef uint64_t long_overflow_t;

umull_overflow1(unsigned long lhs, unsigned long rhs, unsigned long* result)
        long_overflow_t prod = (long_overflow_t)lhs * (long_overflow_t)rhs;
        *result = (unsigned long) prod;
        return (prod >> LONG_BIT) != 0;

// Option 2, perform long multiplication using a smaller type
//    - Sometimes the fastest (e.g., when mulitply on longs is a library
//      call).
//    - Performs at most three multiplies, and sometimes only performs one.
//    - Highly portable code; works no matter how many bits unsigned long is

umull_overflow2(unsigned long lhs, unsigned long rhs, unsigned long* result)
        const unsigned long HALFSIZE_MAX = (1ul << LONG_BIT/2) - 1ul;
        unsigned long lhs_high = lhs >> LONG_BIT/2;
        unsigned long lhs_low  = lhs & HALFSIZE_MAX;
        unsigned long rhs_high = rhs >> LONG_BIT/2;
        unsigned long rhs_low  = rhs & HALFSIZE_MAX;

        unsigned long bot_bits = lhs_low * rhs_low;
        if (!(lhs_high || rhs_high)) {
            *result = bot_bits;
            return 0; 
        BOOL overflowed = lhs_high && rhs_high;
        unsigned long mid_bits1 = lhs_low * rhs_high;
        unsigned long mid_bits2 = lhs_high * rhs_low;

        *result = bot_bits + ((mid_bits1+mid_bits2) << LONG_BIT/2);
        return overflowed || *result < bot_bits
            || (mid_bits1 >> LONG_BIT/2) != 0
            || (mid_bits2 >> LONG_BIT/2) != 0;

// Option 3, perform long multiplication using a smaller type (this code is
// very similar to option 2, but calculates overflow using a different but
// equivalent method).
//    - Sometimes the fastest (e.g., when mulitply on longs is a library
//      call; clang likes this code).
//    - Performs at most three multiplies, and sometimes only performs one.
//    - Highly portable code; works no matter how many bits unsigned long is

umull_overflow3(unsigned long lhs, unsigned long rhs, unsigned long* result)
        const unsigned long HALFSIZE_MAX = (1ul << LONG_BIT/2) - 1ul;
        unsigned long lhs_high = lhs >> LONG_BIT/2;
        unsigned long lhs_low  = lhs & HALFSIZE_MAX;
        unsigned long rhs_high = rhs >> LONG_BIT/2;
        unsigned long rhs_low  = rhs & HALFSIZE_MAX;

        unsigned long lowbits = lhs_low * rhs_low;
        if (!(lhs_high || rhs_high)) {
            *result = lowbits;
            return 0; 
        BOOL overflowed = lhs_high && rhs_high;
        unsigned long midbits1 = lhs_low * rhs_high;
        unsigned long midbits2 = lhs_high * rhs_low;
        unsigned long midbits  = midbits1 + midbits2;
        overflowed = overflowed || midbits < midbits1 || midbits > HALFSIZE_MAX;
        unsigned long product = lowbits + (midbits << LONG_BIT/2);
        overflowed = overflowed || product < lowbits;

        *result = product;
        return overflowed;

// Option 4, checks for overflow using division
//    - Checks for overflow using division
//    - Division is slow, especially if it is a library call

umull_overflow4(unsigned long lhs, unsigned long rhs, unsigned long* result)
        *result = lhs * rhs;
        return rhs > 0 && (SIZE_MAX / rhs) < lhs;

// Option 5, checks for overflow using division
//    - Checks for overflow using division
//    - Avoids division when the numbers are "small enough" to trivially
//      rule out overflow
//    - Division is slow, especially if it is a library call

umull_overflow5(unsigned long lhs, unsigned long rhs, unsigned long* result)
        const unsigned long MUL_NO_OVERFLOW = (1ul << LONG_BIT/2) - 1ul;
        *result = lhs * rhs;
        return (lhs >= MUL_NO_OVERFLOW || rhs >= MUL_NO_OVERFLOW) &&
            rhs > 0 && SIZE_MAX / rhs < lhs;

#ifndef umull_overflow
    #define umull_overflow2

 * This benchmark code performs a multiply at all bit sizes, 
 * essentially assuming that sizes are logarithmically distributed.

int main()
        unsigned long i, j, k;
        int count = 0;
        unsigned long mult;
        unsigned long total = 0;

        for (k = 0; k < 0x40000000 / LONG_BIT / LONG_BIT; ++k)
                for (i = 0; i != LONG_MAX; i = i*2+1)
                        for (j = 0; j != LONG_MAX; j = j*2+1) {
                                count += umull_overflow(i+k, j+k, &mult);
                                total += mult;
        printf("%d overflows (total %lu)\n", count, total);

这里的结果、测试各种系统编译器和我已经(在这种情况下,所有测试是在OS X,但结果应该是类似于BSD或Linux系统):

|                  | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 | Option 5 |
|                  |  BigInt  | LngMult1 | LngMult2 |   Div    |  OptDiv  |
| Clang 3.5 i386   |    1.610 |    3.217 |    3.129 |    4.405 |    4.398 |
| GCC 4.9.0 i386   |    1.488 |    3.469 |    5.853 |    4.704 |    4.712 |
| GCC 4.2.1 i386   |    2.842 |    4.022 |    3.629 |    4.160 |    4.696 |
| GCC 4.2.1 PPC32  |    8.227 |    7.756 |    7.242 |   20.632 |   20.481 |
| GCC 3.3   PPC32  |    5.684 |    9.804 |   11.525 |   21.734 |   22.517 |
| Clang 3.5 x86_64 |    1.584 |    2.472 |    2.449 |    9.246 |    7.280 |
| GCC 4.9 x86_64   |    1.414 |    2.623 |    4.327 |    9.047 |    7.538 |
| GCC 4.2.1 x86_64 |    2.143 |    2.618 |    2.750 |    9.510 |    7.389 |
| GCC 4.2.1 PPC64  |   13.178 |    8.994 |    8.567 |   37.504 |   29.851 |


  • 显然,该司为基础的办法,虽然简单和便携式的,是缓慢的。
  • 没有技术是一个明显的胜利者在所有情况。
  • 在现代的编译器,使用一个较大的int的方法是最好的,如果你可以用它
  • 关于老年编译器,长乘法运算法是最好的
  • 令人惊奇的是,海湾合作委员会4.9.0有效的回归过海湾合作委员会4.2.1和海湾合作委员会4.2.1有效的回归过海湾合作委员会3.3

在== 0:

    x = a * b;
    if (a != 0 && x / a != b) {
        // overflow handling


#include <stdint.h>

uint64_t mul(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
  uint32_t ah = a >> 32;
  uint32_t al = a;  // truncates: now a = al + 2**32 * ah
  uint32_t bh = b >> 32;
  uint32_t bl = b;  // truncates: now b = bl + 2**32 * bh
  // a * b = 2**64 * ah * bh + 2**32 * (ah * bl + bh * al) + al * bl
  uint64_t partial = (uint64_t) al * (uint64_t) bl;
  uint64_t mid1    = (uint64_t) ah * (uint64_t) bl;
  uint64_t mid2    = (uint64_t) al * (uint64_t) bh;
  uint64_t carry   = (uint64_t) ah * (uint64_t) bh;
  // add high parts of mid1 and mid2 to carry
  // add low parts of mid1 and mid2 to partial, carrying
  //    any carry bits into carry...


如果我必须真正做到这一点,我会用本地汇编语言编写扩展乘法例程。也就是说,例如,将两个64位整数相乘得到128-位结果,存储在两个64位寄存器中。所有合理的硬件都在单个本地乘法指令中提供此功能<!>#8212;它不仅可以从<!> nbsp; C进行访问。

这是极少数情况下,其中最优雅且易于编程的解决方案实际上是使用汇编语言。但它肯定不便携: - (



1 <!>#186; - 如果可能,创建两倍于乘数的结果变量,例如:

struct INT32struct {INT16 high, low;};
typedef union
  struct INT32struct s;
  INT32 ll;
} INT32union;

INT16 mulFunction(INT16 a, INT16 b)
  INT32union result.ll = a * b; //32Bits result
  if(result.s.high > 0) 
  return (result.s.low)


2 <!>#186; - 无法创建两倍于乘数变量的结果变量: 然后你应该玩if条件来确定最佳路径。继续举例:

INT32 mulFunction(INT32 a, INT32 b)

  INT32union s_a.ll = abs(a);
  INT32union s_b.ll = abs(b); //32Bits result
  INT32union result;
  if(s_a.s.hi > 0 && s_b.s.hi > 0)
  else if (s_a.s.hi > 0)
      INT32union res1.ll = s_a.s.hi * s_b.s.lo;
      INT32union res2.ll = s_a.s.lo * s_b.s.lo;
      if (res1.hi == 0)
          result.s.lo = res1.s.lo + res2.s.hi;
          if (result.s.hi == 0)
            result.s.ll = result.s.lo << 16 + res2.s.lo;
            if ((a.s.hi >> 15) ^ (b.s.hi >> 15) == 1)
                result.s.ll = -result.s.ll; 
            return result.s.ll
  }else if (s_b.s.hi > 0)

   //Same code changing a with b

    return (s_a.lo * s_b.lo);



也许解决这个问题的最好方法是有一个函数,它将两个UInt64相乘并产生一对UInt64,UInt128结果的上半部分和下半部分。这是解决方案,包括一个以十六进制显示结果的函数。我想你可能更喜欢C ++解决方案,但我有一个工作的Swift-Solution,它显示了如何管理问题:

func hex128 (_ hi: UInt64, _ lo: UInt64) -> String
    var s: String = String(format: "%08X", hi >> 32)
                  + String(format: "%08X", hi & 0xFFFFFFFF)
                  + String(format: "%08X", lo >> 32)
                  + String(format: "%08X", lo & 0xFFFFFFFF)
    return (s)

func mul64to128 (_ multiplier: UInt64, _ multiplicand : UInt64)
             -> (result_hi: UInt64, result_lo: UInt64)
    let x: UInt64 = multiplier
    let x_lo: UInt64 = (x & 0xffffffff)
    let x_hi: UInt64 = x >> 32

    let y: UInt64 = multiplicand
    let y_lo: UInt64 = (y & 0xffffffff)
    let y_hi: UInt64 = y >> 32

    let mul_lo: UInt64 = (x_lo * y_lo)
    let mul_hi: UInt64 = (x_hi * y_lo) + (mul_lo >> 32)
    let mul_carry: UInt64 = (x_lo * y_hi) + (mul_hi & 0xffffffff)
    let result_hi: UInt64 = (x_hi * y_hi) + (mul_hi >> 32) + (mul_carry >> 32)
    let result_lo: UInt64 = (mul_carry << 32) + (mul_lo & 0xffffffff)

    return (result_hi, result_lo)


var c: UInt64 = 0
var d: UInt64 = 0

(c, d) = mul64to128(0x1234567890123456, 0x9876543210987654)
// 0AD77D742CE3C72E45FD10D81D28D038 is the result of the above example
print(hex128(c, d))

// FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE0000000000000001 is the result of the above example
print(hex128(c, d))


我们观察到,如果我们将N位宽的二进制数与M位宽的二进制数相乘,则乘积不会超过N + M位。


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int might_be_mul_oflow(unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
  if (!a || !b)
    return 0;

  a = a | (a >> 1) | (a >> 2) | (a >> 4) | (a >> 8) | (a >> 16) | (a >> 32);
  b = b | (b >> 1) | (b >> 2) | (b >> 4) | (b >> 8) | (b >> 16) | (b >> 32);

  for (;;) {
    unsigned long na = a << 1;
    if (na <= a)
    a = na;

  return (a & b) ? 1 : 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  unsigned long a, b;
  char *endptr;

  if (argc < 3) {
    printf("supply two unsigned long integers in C form\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  a = strtoul(argv[1], &endptr, 0);

  if (*endptr != 0) {
    printf("%s is garbage\n", argv[1]);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  b = strtoul(argv[2], &endptr, 0);

  if (*endptr != 0) {
    printf("%s is garbage\n", argv[2]);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (might_be_mul_oflow(a, b))
    printf("might be multiplication overflow\n");

    unsigned long c = a * b;
    printf("%lu * %lu = %lu\n", a, b, c);
    if (a != 0 && c / a != b)
      printf("confirmed multiplication overflow\n");

  return 0;


$ ./uflow 0x3 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
3 * 4611686018427387903 = 13835058055282163709

$ ./uflow 0x7 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
might be multiplication overflow
7 * 4611686018427387903 = 13835058055282163705
confirmed multiplication overflow

$ ./uflow 0x4 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
might be multiplication overflow
4 * 4611686018427387903 = 18446744073709551612

$ ./uflow 0x5 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
might be multiplication overflow
5 * 4611686018427387903 = 4611686018427387899
confirmed multiplication overflow



  1. 我们从一对数字arngbrng开始,这些数字被初始化为0x7FFF...FFFF1

  2. 如果a <= arngb <= brng我们可以断定没有溢出。

  3. 否则,我们将0x3FFF...FFFF移至右侧,并将3移至左侧,向<=>添加一位,以便它们<=>且<=>。

  4. 如果<=>为零,则完成;否则在2处重复。

  5. 该功能现在看起来像:

    int might_be_mul_oflow(unsigned long a, unsigned long b)
      if (!a || !b)
        return 0;
        unsigned long arng = ULONG_MAX >> 1;
        unsigned long brng = 1;
        while (arng != 0) {
          if (a <= arng && b <= brng)
            return 0;
          arng >>= 1;
          brng <<= 1;
          brng |= 1;
        return 1;


| X | LT <!>; 2 ^ 53,转换为int64

| X | LT <!>; 2 ^ 63,使用int64进行乘法



int64_t safemult(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
  double dx;

  dx = (double)a * (double)b;

  if ( fabs(dx) < (double)9007199254740992 )
    return (int64_t)dx;

  if ( (double)INT64_MAX < fabs(dx) )
    return INT64_MAX;

  return a*b;
许可以下: CC-BY-SA归因
不隶属于 StackOverflow
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