I am currently making a small CMS for a news agency. The admin will update the news in a interval of time. Now I want the url to be look like http://somedomain.com/apple-iphoe5c-released, not like http://somedomain.com/top-news/1. I have seen in gocart ( built in codeigniter ) , they have the url with the product name . How I am able to achieve this ?



for this thing you have use the routes in ci which are as given

Consider the small example

$route['aboutus'] = "any controller is map to that name";

samplesite.com/aboutus [aboutus is controller] samplesite.com/contactus [contactus is controller]

$route['memberaccount/(:num)'] = "any controller is map to that name/$1";


if still not getting try the above link https://www.codeigniter.com/userguide2/general/routing.html

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