We use render inline in our rails 3.2 app:

<%= render inline: @erb_code, locals: {f: f} %>

Here @erb_code returns a string of ERB code for rendering. The problem with this inline is that the @virtual_path is set to false in rendering which causes error in spec in refresh(view) of ActionView::Template. Here is the error:

       A template needs to have a virtual path in order to be refreshed

Here is the line in definition of refresh which causes error:

raise "A template needs to have a virtual path in order to be refreshed" unless @virtual_path

The full definition of the refresh(view) is available at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Template.html.

How to set @virtual_path true in rspec to avoid the spec error? But the execution of the code seems having no error. Tried assign true to @virtual_path in spec and it did not work.



You can try to stub this refresh call in the beinning of your spec

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