I am using docco as a tool for creating coffeescript documentation.

By default, every comment I make in coffeescript source is treated as documentation and moved to the left (explainatory) column. The problem is, in my source there are some lines of code commented out, left as alternate options, which I want to remain in the right (code) column.

Is there a way to tell docco- "do not touch that, leave this like it is a normal code"? "#!" or "#ignore" maybe? Thanks in advance.



Have you tried it? It will ignore #! hashbang lines.

Ignore hashbangs and interpolations...

        l.commentFilter = /(^#![/]|^\s*#\{)/
    languages = buildMatchers languages

From the source, line 277 https://github.com/jashkenas/docco/blob/master/docco.litcoffee

If nothing else, you should be able to edit the source to add whatever opt out you would like there.

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