I;m having trouble decyphering an error message for my code to find some parameters to a complicated least squares fit in two parameters (eps and sig).

from pylab import *
import scipy
import numpy as np

from scipy import integrate, optimize

# Estimate parameters with least squares fit   
T = [90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300]
B = [-0.2221, -0.18276, -0.15348, -0.13088, -0.11293, -0.09836, -0.086301, -0.076166, -0.067535, -0.060101, -0.053636, -0.047963, -0.04295, -0.038488, -0.034494, -0.030899, -0.027648, -0.02469, -0.022, -0.019534, -0.017268, -0.015181]

def funeval(Temp,eps,sig):
    return -2.*np.pi*scipy.integrate.quad( lambda x: np.exp(4.*eps/Temp*((sig/x)**6.-(sig/x)**12.)*(x**2)) ,0.0,Inf )[0]

def residuals(p,y,Temp):
    eps,sig = p
    err = y-(funeval(Temp,eps,sig) )
    return err

print funeval(90.,0.001, 0.0002) 

plsq = scipy.optimize.leastsq(residuals, [0.00001, 0.0002], args=(B, T))

The funeval gives a reasonable float but when I run the code it returns:

error: Supplied function does not return a valid float.

The error doesnt seem sensitive to the initial conditions. I'm new to python so any help or guides to help would be much appreciated. Thanks.



With funeval(90.,0.001, 0.0002), Temp is a singular value; however, when you are calling scipy.optimize you are passing the entire T array to funeval causing scipy.integrate to crash.

A quick fix would be to do something like:

def funeval(Temp,eps,sig):
    for T in Temp:
        val = scipy.integrate.quad( lambda x: np.expm1( ((4.*eps)/T)* ((sig/x)**12.-(sig/x)**6.)* (x**2.) ), 0.0, np.inf )[0]
    return np.array(out)

def residuals(p,y,Temp):
    eps,sig = p
    err = y-(funeval(Temp,eps,sig) )
    return err

print funeval([90],0.001, 0.0002)

plsq = scipy.optimize.leastsq(residuals, [0.00001, 0.0002], args=(B, T))
(array([  3.52991175e-06,   9.04143361e-02]), 1)

This, unfortunately, does not converge very well. Can you explain what you are trying to do?

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