
I have a jQuery getJson method which correctly returns a selected CustomerID. When that happens, a button is enabled to send the CustomerID to another Controller method which would then open up a form to modify the customer.

I check the Form collection, but there is no value associated with the ID of the Collection. It simply comes out as "CustomerID" with no value.

How can I successfully pass this value to the other Controller with the Form Collection?

I know that the script section contains the var CustomerID and the BeginForm has the hiddenfield value, but obviously, there is no "linkage" between the two. I'm wondering how I can do this...

So basically, how can I get the JS variable value inside CustomerID into the Form?


@section scripts {
    <script type="text/javascript">

        $(function ()
            var selID = null;
            var CustomerID = null;
            $("#Name").change(function ()
                selID = $("#Name option:selected").val();

                var url = '/Project/SpecificCustomer';
                var param = { Id: selID };
                $.getJSON(url, param, function (data)
                    var html = "<table border='1' cellpadding='3'>";
                    html += "<tr>";
                    html += "<td>" + "Customer ID: " + data.CustomerID + "</td>";
                    CustomerID = data.CustomerID;
                    html += "</tr>";
                    html += "<tr>";
                    html += "<td>" + "Email: " + data.Email + "</td>";
                    html += "</tr>";
                    html += "<tr>";
                    var FirstName = data.FirstName;
                    FirstName == null ? "" : FirstName;
                    var LastName = data.LastName;
                    LastName == null ? "" : LastName;
                    html += "<td>" + "Name: " + FirstName + " " + LastName + "</td>";
                    html += "</tr>";
                    html += "<tr>";
                    var date1 = new Date(parseInt(data.CreatedDate.substr(6)));
                    date1 == null ? "" : date1;
                    html += "<td>" + "Created: " + date1 + "</td>";
                    html += "</tr>";
                    html += "<tr>";
                    var date2 = new Date(parseInt(data.UpdatedDate.substr(6)));
                    date2 == null ? "" : date2;
                    html += "<td>" + "Updated: " + date2 + "</td>";
                    html += "</tr>";
                    html += "</table>";

                    if (CustomerID != null)
                        $("#UpdateCust").prop('disabled', false);


@using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Customer", new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "POST" }))
        <legend>Edit Customer</legend>
        <div class="editor-field">
            <input type="hidden" id="custID" name="custID" value="CustomerID" />
            <input type="submit" id="UpdateCust" value='@Resources.Update' disabled="disabled" />


Other Controller method

public ActionResult Index(FormCollection form)
            string custID = form["custID"];
War es hilfreich?


It's not clear, but if the form resides on the same page as the getJSON script, then you could change the last lines of your JavaScript to be:

if (CustomerID != null) {
          $("#UpdateCust").prop('disabled', false);
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