
I know that it is not possible to get keys (How to get the Key and Value from a Collection VB.Net) and it is better to use other classes. However I am debugging 10 years old code and I cannot change it.

In the Watch Window I see: enter image description here

So it seems to be possible to deal the collection as "List(of KeyValuePair)". Can I do it in code or is it only an internal translation.

I basically need to list all KEYs in a Collection.

War es hilfreich?


VisualBasic.Collection has an undocumented private method InternalItemsList which allows reading keys besides values. The type of InternalItemsList is Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection.FastList which does not seem to be Enumerable but has a method Item which returns items with a zero based index. The type of those items is Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection.Node. An item has two private properties m_Value and m_Key. And here we are.

Following code illustrates how to convert VisualBasic.Collection to List(Of KeyValuePair.

Dim flg As BindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.NonPublic
Dim InternalList As Object = col.GetType.GetMethod("InternalItemsList", flg).Invoke(col, Nothing)
Dim res As New List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Object))
For qq As Integer = 0 To col.Count - 1
    Dim Item As Object = InternalList.GetType.GetProperty("Item", flg).GetValue(InternalList, {qq})
    Dim Key As String = Item.GetType.GetField("m_Key", flg).GetValue(Item)
    Dim Value As Object = Item.GetType.GetField("m_Value", flg).GetValue(Item)
    res.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of String, Object)(Key, Value))

I know that using undocumented functions is not safe but it is for internal use only and only solution I have managed to find.

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