
Table 1:

 item    Purchase price
 ------- -------------- 
 item1    10$
 item2    20$
 item3    30$

Table 2:

 item    Sale Price
 ------- --------------
 item1    10$
 item2    20$
 item3    30$

I want the following result:

 row name         item1   item2   item3   total
 --------------  ------  ------  ------  ------
 Purchase price   10$     20$     30$     60$
 Sale price       15$     25$     35$     75$
 Profit           5$      5$      5$      15$


War es hilfreich?


You need a third table to aggregate purchase and sale prices for each item. Then, you compute profits and totals and rotate the rows so that each item becomes a column.

Check the script bellow (comments included) but remember that for large tables it might take a while to get the results.

--setup test variables
declare @table1 table(item varchar(50), purchase int)
declare @table2 table(item varchar(50), sale int)

insert into @table1 values ('item1', 10)
insert into @table1 values ('item2', 20)
insert into @table1 values ('item3', 30)

insert into @table2 values ('item1', 15)
insert into @table2 values ('item2', 25)
insert into @table2 values ('item3', 35)

--create a temporary table to hold each item's purchase price, sale price and profit
create table #sumTable (row varchar(50), item varchar(50), price int)

--insert purchase prices from table1
insert into #sumTable 
select 'purchase', item, purchase from @table1

--insert sale prices from table2
insert into #sumTable 
select 'sale', item, sale from @table2

--calculate profits for each item
insert into #sumTable
select 'profit', t1.item, sale - purchase
from @table1 t1
inner join @table2 t2 on t1.item = t2.item

--calculate totals
insert into #sumTable
select row, 'total', sum(price)
from #sumTable
group by row, item

--check what we have so far (uncomment if needed)
--select * from #sumTable

--roate the rows by row type, so that each item's name becomes a row
declare  @sql  nvarchar(max),
         @cols nvarchar(max)

select @cols = STUFF(
(select ',
SUM(CASE WHEN [item] = ''' + [item] + ''' THEN [price] ELSE NULL END) AS [' + [item] + ']'
from #sumTable
group by [item]
order by [item] 
for xml path(''),type).value('.','varchar(max)'), 1, 2, '')

set @sql = 'SELECT [row], ' + @cols + '  FROM #sumTable GROUP BY [row]'


--drop the temporary table
drop table #sumTable

The result looks like this

row         item1       item2       item3       total
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------
profit      5           5           5           15
purchase    10          20          30          60
sale        15          25          35          75

Andere Tipps

You could first pivot your data, to mutate the data from rows to columns.

Then you union the results.

However, this looks like a reporting question - so the results may be better generated using a reporting tool such as SQL Server reporting services.

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