
I have this xml structure.I use the following sql to read the values but it doesnt work

  <Event DateTimeGMT="25/10/2013 18:45:00" Branch="Soccer" Sport="Soccer" BranchID="1" League="England - Championship" LeagueID="10099" ID="5693075" IsOption="0" EventType="0" MEID="2673883">
      <Participant1 Name="Middlesbrough" Home_Visiting="Home" />
      <Participant2 Name="Doncaster" Home_Visiting="Visiting" />
    <MoneyLine Home="1.69" Draw="3.7" Away="5" />
    <Spread Home_Odds="1.885" Home_Points="-0.75" Away_Points="0.75" Away_Odds="1.962" />
    <Total Points="2.75" Over="2.06" Under="1.763" />
  <Event DateTimeGMT="25/10/2013 18:45:00" Branch="Soccer" Sport="Soccer" BranchID="1" League="England - Championship" LeagueID="10099" ID="5693993" IsOption="1" EventType="200" MEID="2673883">
      <Participant1 Name="Middlesbrough" Home_Visiting="Home" />
      <Participant2 Name="Doncaster" Home_Visiting="Visiting" />
    <Total Points="4.5" Over="5.75" Under="1.125" />
EXECUTE sp_xml_preparedocument @iDoc OUTPUT, @x

FROM    OPENXML(@iDoc,'/Events/Event')
WITH    (
ID int '@ID',
DateTimeGMT [varchar](100) '@DateTimeGMT',
Branch [varchar](100) '@Branch',
Sport [varchar](100) '@Sport',
BranchID int '@BranchID',
League [varchar](100) '@League',
LeagueID int '@LeagueID',
IsOption int '@IsOption',
EventType int '@EventType',
MEID int '@MEID',
QAID int '@QAID',
EventName [varchar](500) '@EventName',
Home [varchar](100) '../Event/Participants/Participant1/@Name',
Away [varchar](100) '../Event/Participants/Participant2/@Name',
[1] [varchar](5) '../Event/MoneyLine/@Home',
[X] [varchar](5) '../Event/MoneyLine/@Draw',
[2] [varchar](5) '../Event/MoneyLine/@Away',
Spread_Home_Points float '../Event/Spread/@Home_Points',
Spread_Home_Odds float '../Event/Spread/@Home_Odds',
Spread_Away_Points float '../Event/Spread/@Away_Points',
Spread_Away_Odds float '../Event/Spread/@Away_Odds',
Total_Points float '../Event/Total/@Points',
Lart float '../Event/Total/@Over',
Posht float '../Event/Total/@Under'

EXECUTE sp_xml_removedocument @iDoc

But this doent give a correct answer. On the second row that doesnt fine MoneyLine it repeats the first row values. enter image description here

The values marked with circle showld be empty.Any help please?

War es hilfreich?

Lösung 2

I suggest to use nodes() method for reading xml in SQL server, it's much easier to use. For your XML it could be something like this:

    T.C.value('@DateTimeGMT', 'varchar(100)') as DateTimeGMT,
    T.C.value('@Branch', 'varchar(100)') as Branch,
    T.C.value('@BranchID', 'int') as BranchID,
    T.C.value('@League', 'varchar(100)') as League,
    T.C.value('@LeagueID', 'int') as LeagueID,
    T.C.value('@IsOption', 'int') as IsOption,
    T.C.value('@EventType', 'int') as EventType,
    T.C.value('@MEID', 'int') as MEID,
    T.C.value('@QAID', 'int') as QAID,
    T.C.value('@EventName', 'varchar(500)') as EventName,
    T.C.value('(Participants/Participant1)[1]/@Name', 'varchar(100)') as Home,
    T.C.value('(Participants/Participant2)[1]/@Name', 'varchar(100)') as Away,
    T.C.value('(MoneyLine)[1]/@Home', 'varchar(5)') as [1],
    T.C.value('(MoneyLine)[1]/@Draw', 'varchar(5)') as [X],
    T.C.value('(MoneyLine)[1]/@Away', 'varchar(5)') as [2],
    T.C.value('(Spread)[1]/@Home_Points', 'float') as Spread_Home_Points,
    T.C.value('(Spread)[1]/@Home_Odds', 'float') as Spread_Home_Odds,
    T.C.value('(Spread)[1]/@Away_Points', 'float') as Spread_Away_Points,
    T.C.value('(Spread)[1]/@Away_Odds', 'float') as Spread_Away_Odds,
    T.C.value('(Spread)[1]/@Away_Odds', 'float') as Spread_Away_Odds,
    T.C.value('(Total)[1]/@Points', 'float') as Total_Points,
    T.C.value('(Total)[1]/@Over', 'float') as Lart,
    T.C.value('(Total)[1]/@Under', 'float') as Posht
from @x.nodes('Events/Event') as T(C)

sql fiddle demo

To get data from element filtered by attribute, you can use xpath:

    T.C.value('(Participants/Participant[@Name="Odd"]/Odds)[1]/@OddsValue', 'float') as Odd,
    T.C.value('(Participants/Participant[@Name="Even"]/Odds)[1]/@OddsValue', 'float') as Even
from @x.nodes('Events/Event') as T(C)

sql fiddle demo

Andere Tipps

The XPath expressions you are using are not matching the Event element you are after. Considering only the 1, X and 2 columns, their XPath expressions should be:

[1] [varchar](5) 'MoneyLine/@Home',
[X] [varchar](5) 'MoneyLine/@Draw',
[2] [varchar](5) 'MoneyLine/@Away',

This way, they will be relative to the Event element you are considering. With your original expressions, they pointed to the first Event element of the parent of the row being processed and this is why they behaved wrongly. The same considerations apply for every other expression in your block of code starting with ../Event.

Apart of Efran's answer (+1) I would use nodes and value methods (ref) to query XML:

SELECT  x.XmlCol.value('(@ID)[1]', 'INT') AS [ID],
        x.XmlCol.value('(@DateTimeGMT)[1]', '[varchar](100)') AS [DateTimeGMT],
        x.XmlCol.value('(Sport)[1]', '[varchar](100)') AS [Sport],
        -- ...
        x.XmlCol.value('(Participants/Participant1/@Name)[1]', '[varchar](100)') AS [Home],
        x.XmlCol.value('(Participants/Participant2/@Name)[1]', '[varchar](100)') AS [Away],
        -- ...
        x.XmlCol.value('(MoneyLine/@Home)[1]', '[varchar](5)') AS [1],
        x.XmlCol.value('(MoneyLine/@Draw)[1]', '[varchar](5)') AS [X],
        x.XmlCol.value('(MoneyLine/@Away)[1]', '[varchar](5)') AS [2]
FROM    @x.nodes('/Events/Event') x(XmlCol);
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