
Stuff I need help with is in bold.

I have an actor that is flying multiple spray HttpRequests, the requests are paginated and the actor makes sure it writes the results in sequence into a database (sequence is important to resume crawlers). I explain this because I don't want to explore other patterns of concurrency at the moment. The actor needs to recover from timeouts without restarting.

in my actor I have the following :

            case f : Failure => {
            case f : AskTimeoutException => {
            case msg @ _ => {

                system.log.error("Unexpected message in harvest")

but I can't match correctly :

[ERROR] [11/23/2013 14:58:10.694] [] [ActorSystem(Crawler)] Unexpected message in harvest
[ERROR] [11/23/2013 14:58:10.694] [] [ActorSystem(Crawler)] Failure(akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Timed out)

My dispatches look as follows :

abstract class CrawlerActor extends Actor {
  private implicit val timeout: Timeout = 20.seconds
  import context._
  def dispatchRequest(node: CNode) {
    val reqFut = (System.requester ? CrawlerRequest(node,Get(node.url))).map(r=> CrawlerResponse(node,r.asInstanceOf[HttpResponse]))
    reqFut pipeTo self

class CrawlerRequester extends Actor  {
  import context._
  val throttler = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[TimerBasedThrottler],System.Config.request_rate),"throttler")
  throttler ! SetTarget(Some(IO(Http).actorRef))

  def receive : Receive = {
    case CrawlerRequest(type_,request) => {
      throttler forward request

Once I find the correct way of matching, is there anyway I can get my hands on the CrawlerRequest that the timeout occurred with ? it contains some state I need to figure out how to recover.

War es hilfreich?

Lösung 2

Need to type out the full path of the Failure case class, (or import it I guess).

case f: => {

That just leaves getting to the request associated with the timeout. Seems a map and pipe with a custom failure handler is needed at point request dispatch. Looking into it now.

The following trampolines the timeout into the actor.

case class CrawlerRequestTimeout(request: CrawlerRequest)
abstract class CrawlerActor extends Actor {
  private implicit val timeout: Timeout = 20.seconds
  import context._
  def dispatchRequest(node: CNode) {
    val req =  CrawlerRequest(node,Get(node.url))
    val reqFut = (System.requester ? req).map(r=> CrawlerResponse(node,r.asInstanceOf[HttpResponse]))

    reqFut onFailure {
        case te: akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException => self ! CrawlerRequestTimeout(req)
    reqFut pipeTo self

with a match of :

 case timeout : CrawlerRequestTimeout => {

Need to find a way of suppressing the exception though, it's still firing. Perhaps suppression isn't really a concern, verifying.

No, suppression is a concern, or the exception trickles down to the msg @ _, need to put in a case class to absorb the redundant failure message.

ok, so getting rid of the pipeto gets rid of the exception entering the client actor. It's also a lot easier to read :D

abstract class CrawlerActor extends Actor {
  private implicit val timeout: Timeout = 20.seconds
  import context._
  def dispatchRequest(node: CNode) {
    val req =  CrawlerRequest(node,Get(node.url))
    val reqFut = (System.requester ? req)

    reqFut onFailure {
        case te: akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException => self ! CrawlerRequestTimeout(req)
    reqFut onSuccess {
        case r: HttpResponse => self ! CrawlerResponse(node,r)

Andere Tipps

This situation occurs if you use pipeTo to respond to message that sent by tell.

For example:

in actorA: actorB ! message
in actorB: message => doStuff pipeTo sender
in actorA: receives not 'scala.util.Failure', but ''

The additional logic in pipeTo is to transform Try's Failure into akka's actor Failure ( This works fine when you use ask pattern, because temporary ask actor handle for you, but does not work well with tell.

Hope this short answer helps :)

Good luck!

If I understand correctly, you currently don't succeed in matching the AskTimeoutException.

If so, you should match case Failure(AskTimeoutException) => ... instead of case f : AskTimeoutException => ....

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