
Ich habe einen Datenrahmen des folgenden Formats:
Symbol Datum des Zeitpunkts
$ Banknifty 01.04.2010 9:55:00-1.18%u003Cbr> $ Banknifty 01.04.2010 12:30:00 -2.84%
$ Banknifty 01.04.2010 12:45:00 7.17%u003Cbr> $ Banknifty 5/1/2010 11:40:00 -7.11%
Zeel 26/6/2012 13:50:00 24,75%
Zeel 27/6/2012 15:15:00 -1.90%
Zeel 28/6/2012 9:45:00 37,58%
Zeel 28/6/2012 14:55:00 23,95%
Zeel 29/6/2012 14:20:00 -4.65%
Zeel 29/6/2012 14:30:00-6.01%
Zeel 29/6/2012 14:55:00 -12.23%
Zeel 29/6/2012 15:15:00 35.13%

Was ich erreichen möchte, ist, diesen Datenrahmen in einen Datenrahmen zu konvertieren, der Daten für Zeilennamen, Symbolnamen für Spalten und Summe des prozentualen Gewinns für jeden Tag enthält. Wie im folgenden:

Datum Banknifty Zeel
4/1/2010 3.15% 0
5/1/2010 -7.11% 0
26/6/2012 0 24.75%
27/6/2012 0 -1.90%
28/6/2012 0 61.53%
29/6/2012 0 12.24%

Wie kann ich das in R erreichen? dplyr Mutation oder eine Funktion anwenden?

Ich bin ein Anfänger in der R -Programmierung. Danke im Voraus.

Die Daten in R sind

structure(list(Symbol = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("BANKNIFTY", "ZEEL"), class = "factor"), 
    Date = structure(c(5L, 5L, 5L, 6L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 
    4L, 4L), .Label = c("26/6/2012", "27/6/2012", "28/6/2012", 
    "29/6/2012", "4/1/2010", "5/1/2010"), class = "factor"), 
    Time = structure(c(10L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 4L, 8L, 9L, 7L, 5L, 6L, 
    7L, 8L), .Label = c("11:40:00", "12:30:00", "12:45:00", "13:50:00", 
    "14:20:00", "14:30:00", "14:55:00", "15:15:00", "9:45:00", 
    "9:55:00"), class = "factor"), Profit = structure(c(1L, 4L, 
    12L, 7L, 9L, 2L, 11L, 8L, 5L, 6L, 3L, 10L), .Label = c("-1.18%", 
    "-1.90%", "-12.23%", "-2.84%", "-4.65%", "-6.01%", "-7.11%", 
    "23.95%", "24.75%", "35.13%", "37.58%", "7.17%"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("Symbol", 
"Date", "Time", "Profit"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
War es hilfreich?


Der schnellste Weg wäre,

data <- data.table(data)
# Remove the percentage from your file and convert the field to numeric.
data[, Profit := as.numeric(gsub("%", "", Profit))]

##           Symbol      Date     Time Profit
##  1: BANKNIFTY  4/1/2010  9:55:00  -1.18
##  2: BANKNIFTY  4/1/2010 12:30:00  -2.84
##  3: BANKNIFTY  4/1/2010 12:45:00   7.17
##  4: BANKNIFTY  5/1/2010 11:40:00  -7.11
##  5:      ZEEL 26/6/2012 13:50:00  24.75
##  6:      ZEEL 27/6/2012 15:15:00  -1.90
##  7:      ZEEL 28/6/2012  9:45:00  37.58
##  8:      ZEEL 28/6/2012 14:55:00  23.95
##  9:      ZEEL 29/6/2012 14:20:00  -4.65
## 10:      ZEEL 29/6/2012 14:30:00  -6.01
## 11:      ZEEL 29/6/2012 14:55:00 -12.23
## 12:      ZEEL 29/6/2012 15:15:00  35.13

# Melt the data so that we can easily dcast afterwards.
molten_data <- melt(data[, list(Symbol, Date, Profit)]

# Create a summary by date and Symbol.
dcast(molten_data, id = c("Symbol", "Date")), Date ~ variable + Symbol, fun = sum)

 ##         Date Profit_BANKNIFTY Profit_ZEEL
 ## 1: 26/6/2012             0.00       24.75
 ## 2: 27/6/2012             0.00       -1.90
 ## 3: 28/6/2012             0.00       61.53
 ## 4: 29/6/2012             0.00       12.24
 ## 5:  4/1/2010             3.15        0.00
 ## 6:  5/1/2010            -7.11        0.00
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