
Ich bereite mich darauf vor, einen WordPress -Blog in SharePoint 2010 zu importieren. Hat jemand bereits einen Importeur erstellt? Wenn nicht, muss ich meine eigenen bauen.

War es hilfreich?


Hier ist ein Tool zur Migration Ihres Blogs, das Sie vielleicht kaufen möchten

Andere Tipps

Ich weiß, dass dies alt ist, aber ich war auch frustriert, dass dies noch niemand getan hatte. Ich beschloss, mein Migrationsskript in PowerShell zu schreiben. Wenn Sie so etwas wieder brauchen, probieren Sie es aus:

Hoffe es hilft jemand anderem.

Hier ist das Skript. Entschuldigung, dass es so lang ist.

#requires -version 3  
  This script migrates a wordpress blog to a sharepoint blog.  
  This script migrates a wordpress blog to a sharepoint blog.  
  It is based on the xml export from wordpress. It then parses all the  
  posts, comments and categories. It changes all of the links and  
  uploads the files/images in the posts to the sharepoint library.  
  In order for this to work, the wordpress blog is expected to still be  
  reachable through the links in the export. The user names are preserved  
  as long as the users are also available in sharepoint. Otherwise, the  
  Post/comment is carried out as another defined user.  
  Saves uploads from wordpress in .\uploads  
  Version:    1.0  
  Author:     Benjamin Chase  
  Creation Date: 15 July 2015  
 if ((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)   
   Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"  
 $sourceURL = ""  
 $destinationURL = "https://my.sharepoint.server"  
 #Name of sharepoint lists  
 $postListName = "Posts"  
 $mediaListName = "Pictures"  
 $categoryListName = "Categories"  
 $commentsListName = "Comments"  
 #local folder to save files from source server  
 $uploadsFromSourceServer = ($PSScriptRoot + "\uploads")  
 $xmlFilePath = Get-ChildItem ($PSScriptRoot + "\*.*") -Include "*.xml" | foreach-object {$_.Fullname}  
 #This user is used for posts and comments if the imported account does not exist in sharepoint  
 #$defaultUser = $Web.EnsureUser((Get-SPFarm).DefaultServiceAccount.Name)  
 $defaultUser = $Web.EnsureUser("guest")  
 $regex = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape($sourceURL) + '(.*?)\/uploads\/(.*?)"'  
 $Web = Get-SPWeb $destinationURL  
 $postList = $Web.Lists[$postListName]  
 $mediaList = $web.Lists[$mediaListName]  
 $categoryList = $web.Lists[$categoryListName]  
 $commentsList = $web.Lists[$commentsListName]  
 # load it into an XML object:  
 $xml = New-Object -TypeName XML  
 foreach($wpPost in $ )  
 $newPost = $postList.Items.Add()  
 $newPost["Title"] = $wpPost.title  
 #see if user exists in sharepoint, otherwise post as farm admin  
      $newPost["Author"] = $Web.EnsureUser($wpPost.creator.innertext)  
      $newPost["Author"] = $defaultUser  
 $newPost["Teaser"] = $wpPost.description  
 #Convert CDATA to string and replace newline with HTML Syntax  
 [string]$body = ($wpPost.Encoded | Foreach {"$($_.innertext)"}).replace("`n","<br/>")  
 #if upload folder does not exist, create it  
 if(!(Test-path $uploadsFromSourceServer)){  
      New-Item -Path $uploadsFromSourceServer -ItemType Directory | Out-Null  
 #Get all uploaded files and upload them to sharepoint library  
      $body | select-string -pattern $regex -AllMatches | Foreach {$_.Matches} | ForEach-Object {   
           $fileURL =($_.Value).trim('"')  
           $filename = ($fileURL.Substring($fileURL.LastIndexOf("/") + 1))  
                $webClient.downloadfile($fileURL, ($uploadsFromSourceServer +"\$($filename)"))  
                write-host "Downloading: " $filename  
                write-error "Error while processing: " $fileURL  
      write-error "Error while parsing content."  
 #Convert Urls to new server url for the pictures  
 $body = $body | % {$_ -replace ([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape($sourceURL)+"(.*?)\/uploads\/\d{4}\/\d{2}\/"), "$($destinationURL)/Lists/$($mediaListName)/"}   
 $newPost["Body"] = $body  
 $pubDate = Get-Date -Date $wpPost.post_date  
 $newPost["PublishedDate"] = $pubDate  
 [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection] $categoryValues = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection  
 #If category exists and is a category and not a post tag then add it to post  
 foreach($wpCategory in $wpPost.category | Where-object{$_.domain -eq "category"}){  
      if($ -notcontains $wpCategory.innertext){  
           write-host "Adding category: " $wpCategory.innertext -ForegroundColor green  
           $newCategory = $categoryList.Items.Add()  
           $newCategory["Title"] = $wpCategory.innertext  
           #Update list to get new items and select category from list  
      #get category  
      $category = $categoryList.items | Where-object {$_.Name -eq $wpCategory.innertext}  
 $newPost["PostCategory"] = $categoryValues  
 #Generate lookup value to reference the post  
 $postToComment = $postList.items | Where-object {$_.Title -eq $newPost["Title"]}  
 $postLookupValue = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldLookupValue($postToComment["ID"],$postToComment["Title"])  
 #Migrate existing comments  
      foreach($wpComment in $wpPost.comment){  
           $newComment     = $commentsList.Items.Add()  
           #Use comment as title, but cut it off so it fits in the field, this is the standard behaviour in SP  
           if($wpComment.comment_content.innertext.length -gt 26){  
                $newComment["Title"] = $wpComment.comment_content.innertext.Substring(0,26) + "..."  
                $newComment["Title"] = $wpComment.comment_content.innertext  
           #see if user exists in sharepoint, otherwise post as farm admin  
                $newComment["Author"] = $Web.EnsureUser($wpComment.comment_author_email)  
                $newComment["Editor"] = $Web.EnsureUser($wpComment.comment_author_email)  
                $newComment["Author"] = $defaultUser  
                $newComment["Editor"] = $defaultUser  
           $newComment["Body"] = $wpComment.comment_content.innertext  
           $createdDate = Get-Date -Date $wpComment.comment_date  
           $newComment["Created"] = $createdDate  
           $newComment["Modified"] = $createdDate  
           $newComment["PostTitle"] = $postLookupValue  
 #Upload Files from posts  
 $fileCollection = $mediaList.RootFolder.Files  
 $files = Get-ChildItem $uploadsFromSourceServer  
 foreach ($file in $files)  
   $stream = $file.OpenRead()  
   $uploaded = $fileCollection.Add($file.Name, $stream, $TRUE)  
   write-host "Uploaded: " $file.Name -ForegroundColor green  
   if ($stream) {$stream.Dispose()}  
 if ($web) {$web.Dispose()}  
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Nicht verbunden mit sharepoint.stackexchange
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