
The nth roots of unity are the solutions to the polynomial equation x^n = 1. Is there a good known algorithm for n = 2^k, for some k (i.e. where n is a power of 2)?

There are many algorithms for calculating nth roots of unity. For example, this is a Python implementation using Numpy's "roots" function to return an array of roots.

import numpy as np;
def omegas(n):
    #make the n-degree polynomial and solve for its roots
    poly = [0]*(n+1)
    poly[0] = -1; #constant
    poly[-1] = 1; #highest degree
    return np.roots(poly)

You can also use trig functions:

import numpy as np
import cmath
def trig_omegas(n):
    return np.array([cmath.rect(1,x*np.pi) for x in range(n)])

But the accuracy leaves me wanting. This is what the answer SHOULD be, for n=4:

array([-1.+0.j,  0.+1.j, -0.-1.j,  1.+0.j])
#or, in counterclockwise order
array([ 1.+0.j,  0.+1.j, -1.+0.j, -0.-1.j])

And this is the result of the above functions.

>>> omegas(4)
array([ -1.00000000e+00+0.j,   8.32667268e-17+1.j,   8.32667268e-17-1.j,
>>> trig_omegas(4)
array([ 1. +0.00000000e+00j, -1. +1.22464680e-16j,  1. -2.44929360e-16j,
       -1. +3.67394040e-16j])

The trailing zeros indicate that there's a small error at the end. The first entry of omegas(4) is actually a little smaller than -1.

omegas(4)[0] (-1.0000000000000004+0j)

Is there a better way to get roots of unity of powers of 2?

War es hilfreich?


You might like the library Sympy. Try solving for the fifth roots of unity


in the console at

To convert the exact solutions to floating point approximations, do [x.evalf() for x in solve(x**5-1)]

Andere Tipps

Here's a recursive algorithm that generates the n roots by taking the n/2 roots and the points in between. If n is 4 or lower, it hardcodes the result (because you'll never find the two midpoints of -1 and 1 on the complex plane). Otherwise, it finds the n/2 roots, takes every two consecutive roots, finds a point on their angle bisector, and scales that point to the unit circle.

import numpy as np
#power of 2 roots of unity
#computed by recursively taking the averages of the n/2 roots
def omegas_2(n):
    #base cases
    if n == 1:
        return np.array([1])
    if n == 2:
        return np.array([1,-1])
    if n == 4: # need three points to specify the plane
        return np.array([1,1j,-1,-1j])

    halfroots = omegas_2(n//2)
    result = np.empty(n)
    for i in range(n//2):
        result[2*i] = halfroots[i];

        #take the center of the i'th and the i+1'th n/2-root
        result[2*i+1] = (halfroots[i]+halfroots[(i+1)%(n//2)]);
        result[2*i+1] /= abs(result[2*i+1]); #normalize to length 1
    return result

Maxima implementation:

omegan(n):=block( [ hr, hn, q, j ],
    if n=1 then return([1]),
    if n=2 then return([1, -1]),
    if n=4 then return([1, %i, -1, -%i]),
    if oddp(n) then error ("length must be power of 2; found ", n),
    hr: omegan(hn),
    for i:1 thru hn do (
        j: if i+1>hn then i+1-hn else i+1,
    listarray (ret)     
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