
i try to fill twice id in url, but when i send params twice id just one id fill the url id.

My route :

namespace :admin do
    resources :stores
    get "/:id/new_items"=> 'stores#new_items', as: :store_new_items
    post "/:id/create_items"=> 'stores#create_items', as: :store_create_items
    get "/:id/show_items/:id"=> 'stores#show_items', as: :store_show_items
    get "/:id/items/:id/new_items_sub" => 'stores#new_items_sub', as: :store_new_items_sub
    post "/:id/items/:id/create_items_sub" => 'stores#create_items_sub', as: :store_create_items_sub
    get "/:id/items/:id/show_items_sub/:id" => 'stores#show_items_sub', as: :store_show_items_sub

my view :

<%= link_to "add new items", admin_store_new_items_sub_path(,, :class=> "btn" %>

i hope my url like this :


but i get same id like this :


please tell me when i'm wrong? thanks

War es hilfreich?


you have to create neseted routes for that .have a look at

for example

resources :publishers do
  resources :magazines do
    resources :photos

will accept routes /publishers/1/magazines/2/photos/3

Andere Tipps

Your params should be unique, so you can't pass more than one different :id params. Instead. you can do something like:

get '/:store_id/show_items/:id', as: :store_show_items

and in view:

<%= link_to 'show items', store_show_items_path(, %>

Also, you should read more about Resources and Nested Resources in Rails, there's probably no need to complicate your life by creating each route independently.

You could refactor this to use nested routes like this (you may have to change controller method names):

namespace :admin do
  resources :stores do
    resources :items, :only => [:new, :create, :show] do
      resources :subs, :only => [:new, :create, :show]

This would give you a few url helpers like this: new_store_item_sub_path(, for the new action and store_item_sub_path(,, for the show action.

Run rake routes to see what helpers and routes you have access to.

Have a look here to find out more about nested routes.

Your code can be DRYed up significantly. Hopefully this works; might need some tweaking:

namespace :admin do
    resources :stores do

        member do 
            get :new_items, as: :store_new_items
            post :create_items, as: :store_create_items

        get "show_items/:id"=> 'stores#show_items', as: :store_show_items

        resources :items do 
            get :new_items_stub => 'stores#new_items_sub', as: :store_new_items_sub
            post :create_items_stub => 'stores#create_items_sub', as: :store_create_items_sub
            get "show_items_sub/:id" => 'stores#show_items_sub', as: :store_show_items_sub

Uses Member Routes (see 2.10) & Nested Resources

Nested Resources

The crux of your issue is that you're trying to pass the :id param twice

Fortunately, Rails has a solution to this, in the form of Nested Resources. These work by taking the "parent" id and prepending a singular prefix, such as :store_id, allowing you to use the :id param for another set of methods

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