
This question only concerns prototyping; I know it can be done with semantic grid classes via (S)CSS, but I'm referring to Zurb Foundation's unsemantic html-based grid classes.

I'm trying to do something like this – why won't it seem to work?

<div class="medium-portrait-4 medium-landscape-7">...</div>
<div class="medium-portrait-8 medium-landscape-5">...</div>
War es hilfreich?


As of Zurb Foundation v5.3.0 There is no out of package class for targeting orientations directly such as you describe above.

However by employing mixins one can create a custom class that provides the desired outcome such as the following example I copied from the a similar question on the foundation site.

.class-name { 
  @media #{$small-only} and (orientation: portrait) { 
    @include grid-column(2);
  @media #{$small-only} and (orientation: landscape) { 
    @include grid-column(4);
 @media #{$medium-up} and (orientation: landscape) { 
    @include grid-column(6);

Andere Tipps

To make this, i change the breakpoints in _settings.scss:

small: 0,
medium: 750px,
large: 970px,
xlarge: 1170px,
xxlarge: 1440px,

when i use small col for mobile, medium col for tablet portrait, large col for tablet landscape

its make the job

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