
I'm trying to get started with the play framework by building a live twitter stream app. I'm super confused though, and have spent a few days trying to figure this out but I can't seem to get it.. hoping someone here wouldn't mind pointing me in the right direction.

A few questions.

1) The actual TwitterStreamFactory instantiation, where would this go? Is this part of a model, or a controller?

2)Websockets, comet, SSE? What's the most efficient way - for every status that comes through the stream - to handle and send to the browser.

3)And the StatusListener. Every time I try to create this in eclipse it tells me to add unimplemented methods.. but I have implemented them. It just won't play nicely.

3 is a big problem for me, because I can't get it to run anywhere. The code works on a tomcat server, but it's obviously quite different using play. Any advice on where I should be writing the twitter stream part of the code?

Thanks guys.. these questions are probably considered silly, but I am truly, truly in a rut here.

War es hilfreich?


I made something similar a while back, i used websockets to push the updates to the browser and Akka actors to handle the status listener. The controller can then request a stream (Enumerator) from an actor and return it as a websocket.

2) Websocket is the most efficient but not compatible with older browsers, if you need better browser compatibility then use comet

I've modified the code to show a very simple example


object Application extends Controller {

  implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 second)

  val cb = new ConfigurationBuilder()

  val twitterListener = Akka.system.actorOf(TwitterListener.props(

  def join = WebSocket.async[JsValue] { request =>
    (twitterListener ? RequestStream()).mapTo[Connected].map {
      case Connected(stream) => (Iteratee.ignore, stream)


object TwitterListener {
  case class RequestStream()
  case class Connected(numerator: Enumerator[JsValue])
  def props(conf: Configuration) = Props(new TwitterListener(conf))

 * Twitter Stream Listener
 * @param config Twitter4j Configuration
class TwitterListener(config: Configuration) extends Actor {

  import TwitterListener._

  val listener = new StatusListener() {

    val (enum, channel) = Concurrent.broadcast[JsValue]

    def onStatus(status: Status) {
        "msg" -> status.getText,
        "user" -> status.getUser.getName,
        "timestamp" ->"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")

    def onDeletionNotice(statusDeletionNotice: StatusDeletionNotice) {


    def onTrackLimitationNotice(numberOfLimitedStatuses: Int) {


    def onException(ex: Exception) {

    def onScrubGeo(userId: Long, upToStatusId: Long) = {


    def onStallWarning(warning: StallWarning) = {


  override def preStart() = {
    val query = new FilterQuery(0, Array(), Array("birthday"))
    val twitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory(config).getInstance

  def receive = {
    case RequestStream() => sender ! Connected(listener.enum)


Andere Tipps

I'm currently building myself a play application using Twitter4j. To answer your questions:

  1. I think it would be in a model or you could create a new package for this. A controller is more about request coming from the client.

  2. The most efficient way is to use play's Concurrent.broadcast models to stream the Status. To send them to the browser, it depends on the compatibility you want but I would recommend Websockets.

  3. When you compile with the play command, what does it say ?

If you need an example, you can check my github repo:, especially: actors.TwitterStream.scala

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