
In Exchange Management Shell, you can write a query to display administrator activities.

Search-AdminAuditLog -Startdate ((get-date).AddDays(-5)) -EndDate (get-date) | where{$_.caller -ne "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (MSExchangeHMWorker)"} |select Caller, Rundate, ObjectModified, CmdLetName, @{n="Parameters"; e={$e=$null;$_.CmdLetParameters|%{$e += ( " -" + $ + " '" + $_.value + "'")};$e}} | ft -autosize

Most of the commands make sense but can anyone explain the @... part in English? Specifically this part:

@{n="Parameters"; e={$e=$null; $_.CmdLetParameters | %{$e += ( " -" + $ + " '" + $_.value + "'")};$e}}

War es hilfreich?


That's called a "Calculated property". It's a way to add a property in your selected object with the name specified by n= and having the value resulting from expression e=.

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