
Ich habe in meiner App ein seltsames Verhalten geschlagen: Wenn ich versuche, einen Service -Vordergrund zu setzen, startet das Mobilteil (HTC G1 + Cyanogen Mod) neu.

Es funktioniert, wenn ich nicht versuche, diesen Service in den Vordergrund zu stellen.

Hier ist der belastete Code:

Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.icon,
    getText(R.string.ticker_text), System.currentTimeMillis());
    startForeground(SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);
Log.v(TAG, "Control service foregrounded.");

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Vielen Dank.

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Schauen Sie sich diese Android -API -Demo an hier. Beachten Sie, dass anstatt anzurufen startForeground(), es ruft startForegroundCompat(), eine Wrapper, die Ihre Anfrage abhängig von der neuen/alten Startforder -API bearbeitet.

void handleCommand(Intent intent) {
        if (ACTION_FOREGROUND.equals(intent.getAction())) {

            // Set the icon, scrolling text and timestamp
            Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.stat_sample, text,

            // The PendingIntent to launch our activity if the user selects this notification
            PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
                    new Intent(this, Controller.class), 0);

            // Set the info for the views that show in the notification panel.
            notification.setLatestEventInfo(this, getText(R.string.local_service_label),
                           text, contentIntent);

            startForegroundCompat(R.string.foreground_service_started, notification);

Hier ist startForegroundCompat():

 * This is a wrapper around the new startForeground method, using the older
 * APIs if it is not available.
void startForegroundCompat(int id, Notification notification) {
    // If we have the new startForeground API, then use it.
    if (mStartForeground != null) {
        mStartForegroundArgs[0] = Integer.valueOf(id);
        mStartForegroundArgs[1] = notification;
        invokeMethod(mStartForeground, mStartForegroundArgs);

    // Fall back on the old API.
    mSetForegroundArgs[0] = Boolean.TRUE;
    invokeMethod(mSetForeground, mSetForegroundArgs);
    mNM.notify(id, notification);
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