
Ich habe versucht, Informationen zu finden, wie Anlagen von einem Google Mail-Konto abzurufen, entweder in Python oder PHP, ich bin der Hoffnung, dass jemand hier kann eine Hilfe sein, danke.

Siehe auch:

War es hilfreich?


Sie müssen die IMAP-Zugriff auf Ihr Google Mail-Konto (Einstellungen → Weiterleitung und POP / IMAP) aktivieren, und dann imaplib.IMAP4_SSL verwenden, um Zugang zu erhalten.

Mit der Rohtext jeder Nachricht als Argument, um email.message_from_string alle Anlagen zu verarbeiten.

Andere Tipps

nahm ich den obigen Code und es festgelegt und getestet. Es arbeitet mit PHP5.


$gmail_username = '';
$gmail_password = 'password';
$imap = imap_open ("{}INBOX", $gmail_username, $gmail_password) or die("can't connect: " . imap_last_error());
$savefilepath = '//Server/share/Local/Pathname/'; //absolute path to images directory
$imagefilepath = '/Local/Pathname/'; //relative path to images directory
$savethumbpath = '/Local/Pathname/'; //relative path to images directory
$headers = imap_headers($imap);
foreach ($headers as $mail) {
    $flags = substr($mail, 0, 4);
    //Check for unread msgs, get their UID, and queue them up
    if (strpos($flags, "U")) {
        $new_msg[] = implode('',$match);     
if ($new_msg) {
    foreach ($new_msg as $result) {
        $structure = imap_fetchstructure($imap,$result);
        $parts = $structure->parts;
        foreach ($parts as $part) {
            if ($part->parameters[0]->attribute == "NAME") {
                //Generate a filename with format DATE_RANDOM#_ATTACHMENTNAME.EXT
                $savefilename = date("m-d-Y") . '_' . rand() . '_' . $part->parameters[0]->value;
                imap_fetchbody($imap,$result,2); //This marks message as read
/* grab emails */
$emails = imap_search($imap,'ALL');
/* if emails are returned, cycle through each... */
if($emails) {
  /* put the newest emails on top */
  $total = imap_num_msg($imap);
  /* for every email... */
  for( $i = $total; $i >= 1; $i--) {
        $headers = imap_header($imap, $i);
        $from = $headers->from[0]->mailbox . "@" . $headers->from[0]->host;
        echo $from . "\n";
        imap_mail_move($imap,"$i:$i", "[Gmail]/Trash"); // Change or remove this line if you are not connecting to gmail. The path to the Trash folder in your Gmail may be different, capitalization is relevant.
        echo "no emails";
/* close the connection */

function save_attachment( $content , $filename , $localfilepath, $thumbfilepath ) {
     if (imap_base64($content) != FALSE) {   
         $file = fopen($localfilepath.$filename, 'w');
         fwrite($file, imap_base64($content));

Ich fand einige Code, der funktioniert! dies wird alle Anhänge in einen ausgewählten Ordner herunterladen


$gmail_username = '';
$gmail_password = 'mypassword';

$imap = imap_open ("{}INBOX", $gmail_username, $gmail_password) or die("can't connect: " . imap_last_error());
$savefilepath = 'path/to/images_folder/'; //absolute path to images directory
$imagefilepath = 'images/'; //relative path to images directory

$headers = imap_headers($imap);
foreach ($headers as $mail) {
    $flags = substr($mail, 0, 4);
    //Check for unread msgs, get their UID, and queue them up
    if (strpos($flags, "U")) {
        $new_msg[] = implode('',$match);     

if ($new_msg) {
    foreach ($new_msg as $result) {
        $structure = imap_fetchstructure($imap,$result);
        $parts = $structure->parts;
        foreach ($parts as $part) {
            if ($part->parameters[0]->attribute == "NAME") {
                //Generate a filename with format DATE_RANDOM#_ATTACHMENTNAME.EXT
                $savefilename = date("m-d-Y") . '_' . mt_rand(rand(), 6) . '_' . $part->parameters[0]->value;
                imap_fetchbody($imap,$result,2); //This marks message as read


function save_attachment( $content , $filename , $localfilepath, $thumbfilepath ) {
    if (imap_base64($content) != FALSE) {   
        $file = fopen($localfilepath.$filename, 'w');
        fwrite($file, imap_base64($content));

Die PHP-Dokumentation für imap_open explain Anschluss in den Kommentaren (zum Beispiel 31-Oct-2007 07.50) gmail:

$mbox = imap_open("{}INBOX", "", "password") or die("can't connect: " . imap_last_error());

Dabei gilt natürlich, Sie haben in den tatsächlichen Benutzernamen und ein Passwort als angemessen zu füllen, und dann die Anlagen in den Teilen der Email, die Sie folgen Sie den Anweisungen zu identifizieren, von:

Welche, Zusammenfassung, sagt, dass Sie verwenden:

// in a for($i=1;$i<$nummsgs;$i++) loop over all the messages in the inbox $structure = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $i);

die Anlagen in der Struktur zu identifizieren. Das ist jedoch ein ziemlich aufwendiges Verfahren MIME-Nachrichten von Dekonstruktion (die eine Menge optionaler Variabilität, die berücksichtigt werden müssen), so dass die Grundlagen / Umriss einer Funktion für das heißt in diesem electrictoolbox Seite.

I recently worked on this topic and here is the code which works well. It also saves the details of the attachments in a word document with the following details:
-> Date
-> Time
-> From
-> Email ID
-> Subject


    *   Gmail attachment extractor.
    *   Downloads attachments from Gmail and saves it to a file.
    *   Uses PHP IMAP extension, so make sure it is enabled in your php.ini,
    *   extension=php_imap.dll

    /* connect to gmail with your credentials */
    $hostname = '{}INBOX';
    $username = '';
    $password = 'password';
    /* try to connect */
    $inbox = imap_open($hostname,$username,$password) or die('Cannot connect to       
    Gmail: ' . imap_last_error());
    /* get all new emails. If set to 'ALL' instead 
    * of 'NEW' retrieves all the emails, but can be 
    * resource intensive, so the following variable, 
    * $max_emails, puts the limit on the number of emails downloaded.
    $emails = imap_search($inbox,'ALL');
    /* useful only if the above search is set to 'ALL' */
    $max_emails = 110;

    /* if any emails found, iterate through each email */
    $count = 1;

    /* put the newest emails on top */
    /* for every email... */
    foreach($emails as $email_number){
    /* get information specific to this email */
    //$overview = imap_fetch_overview($inbox,$email_number,0);
    foreach($result as $overview){
    echo "#{$overview->msgno}({$overview->date})-From: {$overview->from}
    /* get mail message */
    $message = imap_fetchbody($inbox,$email_number,2);
    /* get mail structure */
    $structure =imap_fetchstructure($inbox, $email_number);
    //$functions = array('function1' => imap_fetchstructure($inbox,
    $attachments = array();
    foreach($structure->parts[$i]->dparameters as $object){
    if(strtolower($object->attribute) == 'filename'){
    $attachments[$i]['is_attachment'] = true;
    $attachments[$i]['filename'] = $object->value;
         foreach($structure->parts[$i]->parameters as $object) 
             if(strtolower($object->attribute) == 'name') 
                $attachments[$i]['is_attachment'] = true;
                $attachments[$i]['name'] = $object->value;
     /* 4 = QUOTED-PRINTABLE encoding */
     if($structure->parts[$i]->encoding == 3){ 
     $attachments[$i]['attachment'] = base64_decode($attachments[$i]  
      /* 3 = BASE64 encoding */
      elseif($structure->parts[$i]->encoding == 4){ 
      $attachments[$i]['attachment'] =              


       /* iterate through each attachment and save it */
       foreach($attachments as $attachment)
       if($attachment['is_attachment'] == 1){
        $filename = $attachment['name'];
        if(empty($filename)) $filename = $attachment['filename'];
        if(empty($filename)) $filename = time() . ".dat";
       /* prefix the email number to the filename in case two emails
       * have the attachment with the same file name.
       $fp = fopen($email_number . "-" . $filename, "w+");
       fwrite($fp, $attachment['attachment']);


          if($count++ >= $max_emails) break;



        /* close the connection */


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